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词汇 头脑
例句 She has a good brain for mathematics.她很有数学头脑An idea began to form in his mind.一个想法在他头脑中逐渐成形。His mind seems completely vacant.他的头脑似乎空空如也。His mind in tatters, he wasn't able to control the ricochet course of his thoughts.他的头脑陷于瘫痪状态,没法控制自己紊乱的思绪。With her direct manner and good head for business she was soon promoted.她做事说话直截了当,又有经商头脑,很快就得到了提升。His mind was always buzzing with new and exciting ideas.他的头脑中老是有令人兴奋的新想法。He's more business-minded than he makes himself out to be.相对于他给人的印象,他其实更有生意头脑Strange ideas existed in his mind.头脑里有着奇怪的念头。His mind was in no sense brilliant.他的头脑一点也算不得聪明。Tom was in a strange mixed-up frame of mind.汤姆的头脑莫名其妙地一片混乱。He wasn't very lucid.他的头脑不是很清晰。Love, fear, and hope are affections of the mind.爱、恐惧和希望都是头脑的属性。The suspicion grew in Darwin's mind that species were closely related to each other.达尔文头脑里产生了物种之间是密切相关的这样一种想法。A person's mind may be obfuscated by liquor or drugs.酗酒吸毒会使人头脑迷糊。It's important in this job to keep a cool head.做这种工作重要的是要保持冷静的头脑They viewed her as decorative, pliable and empty-headed.他们认为她空有外表、毫无主见、头脑空空。I have a good head for figures.我很有数学头脑Poor Nigel, he doesn't have very much up top.可怜的奈杰尔,他没什么头脑If he had any brains, he would have left a long time ago.如果他有一点点头脑的话,早就离开了。She was so busy that she was in a mix.她忙得头脑发昏。I need to have a rest first because my mind is blacking out.我得先休息一下,因为我的头脑快要不能思索了。I'm not very technically minded.我不是非常有技术头脑Does the science of mathematics indispose the mind to religious belief?数学这门科学会使人们的头脑排斥宗教信仰吗?I'm feeling a bit muzzy in the head.我觉得头脑有点昏沉。Cycling is potentially very dangerous in the city - you have to keep your wits about you.在城市里骑自行车可能会非常危险——你必须保持清醒的头脑She needed to keep a clear head if she was to remain in control.她要想继续控制局势就必须保持清醒的头脑She learned to survive on her wits.她学会了靠自己的头脑生存。He's a nice guy, but a little dim.他是个好小伙儿,只是头脑有些迟钝。The sound of gurgling water seemed to soothe Harry's head.汩汩的流水声似乎使哈里的头脑平静下来。I've never been very money-minded - I leave all my business affairs to my financial adviser.我从来没有经济头脑——我把所有的商业事务都交给我的财务顾问打理。What he had in mind amounted to nothing less than a total reversal of the traditional role of the executive.头脑中所想的简直就是对管理人员传统角色的彻底颠覆。He keeps those two very different ideas boxed off from each other in his mind.他把那两个截然不同的想法在头脑中区分开来。This is one of the issues that has most interested military minds.这是那些有军事头脑的人最感兴趣的问题之一。She has a first-class brain and is a damned good writer.头脑相当灵光,是个非常棒的作家。Before going on stage, I breathe deeply and think positive thoughts.上台之前,我会做深呼吸,头脑里只想正面的东西。Top style consultants will leave you buzzing with new ideas.高级时尚顾问会使你的头脑充满新鲜想法。It takes great skill, cool nerves and the reflexes of an athlete.那需要运动员有高超的技巧、冷静的头脑和迅速的反应能力。It's important to keep your mind active as you grow older.人在变老的过程中保持头脑活跃很重要。He had a logical mind, and little imagination.头脑很有逻辑,但缺乏想象力。My mother had a very lively mind, even in her old age.我母亲即使到了晚年头脑依然十分灵活。




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