例句 |
Make sure that the arrows on the front of the box are pointing downwards.一定要保持箱子前面的箭头朝下。He tripped and went head over heels down the steps.他绊了一下,头朝下摔下了楼梯。She plunged into the pool with a graceful dive.她以优雅的姿势头朝下跳入泳池。When the tailplane failed the aircraft would have pitched nose-down into a bunt.平尾失灵后,飞机就会偏航成头朝下猛撞。The plane plunged its nose first into the river.飞机机头朝下坠入水中。He was standing by the pool, about to dive in.他站在水池边,准备头朝下跳入水中。She missed her footing and fell headlong down the stairs.她一脚踩空,头朝下摔下了楼梯。 |