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词汇 cats
例句 The report criticized boardroom fat cats who award themselves huge pay increases.报告批评董事大亨们为自己大幅提薪。Why should those fat cats get rich through our efforts?为什么我们努力劳动却让那些阔佬发财?On the porch, two large cats sat lazing in the sun.两只大猫懒懒地躺在门廊上晒太阳。I don't like cats.我不喜欢猫。She chased the cats out of her garden.她把这些猫赶出了她的花园。The tiger is without doubt the most magnificent of the big cats.老虎无疑是大型猫科动物中最威武的。Are you cats coming in to hear my new records?大伙儿要进来听听我的新唱片吗?The cats were neglected and starving.那些猫无人照管,饿得奄奄一息。Our cats are similar in size/color/appearance.我们的猫大小/颜色/外表相似。She had an irrational fear of cats.她对猫有一种莫名其妙的恐惧。I was woken up by cats yowling outside my window.我被窗外猫的嚎叫声吵醒了。Tigers are broadly/loosely defined as large cats.老虎被泛泛地界定为大型猫科动物。Sheila's mad at me because I forgot to feed the cats yesterday.我昨天忘了喂猫,希拉很生我的气。Why do dogs run after cats?为什么狗看见猫就追?She went to Africa to photograph big cats.她去非洲拍摄大型猫科动物。We looked at all the cats in the pet store and finally decided on a little black-and-white one.我们看了宠物店里所有的猫,最后选定一只黑白相间的小猫。Male cats spray to mark territory.公猫以撒尿标记自己的地盘。He doesn't allow cats in the room.他不允许猫进入房内。Persian cats have long, silky fur.波斯猫有一身柔软光滑的长毛。This is one of many long-standing old wives' tales about cats.这是许多流传已久的有关猫的无稽之谈之一。She loved cats, and would take any waifs and strays into her home.她喜欢猫,会把所有的流浪猫都带回家去养。In Scotland, wild cats are treated as vermin and poisoned.在苏格兰野猫被视为有害动物而遭毒杀。Most cats are solitary creatures.大部分的猫都是独居动物。Allergy to cats is one of the commonest causes of asthma.对猫类过敏是哮喘病发作最常见的诱因之一。She has a morbid fear of cats.她对猫有着病态的恐惧。Being naturally curious animals, cats often find their way into dangerous places.猫天生好奇,经常不自觉地到危险的地方去。A new pet census showed that cats now outnumber dogs by a whisker.一项新的宠物普查显示,猫的数量略微超过了狗的数量。The cats are asleep on the floor.猫儿们在地板上睡着了。When I was little, my family always had lots of pets - dogs, cats, hamsters, fish, rabbits - the whole nine yards.我小时候家里总是有许多宠物:狗、猫、仓鼠、鱼、兔子,应有尽有。We need to make arrangements for the neighbors to take care of the cats while we're away.我们不在的时候,需要安排邻居来照顾我们的猫。Who's going to look after your cats while you're away?你不在家时谁照顾你的猫呢?The cats have the run of the house.猫在屋子里随意乱窜。Black cats are considered lucky in Britain.在英国,黑猫被视为会带来好运。We had our cats declawed.我们让人给我们的猫去了爪。Angela clapped her hands and the cats disappeared as if by magic.安杰拉拍了拍手,那些猫就像变魔术似的不见了。The organization encourages people to sterilize their cats and dogs.这个组织鼓励人们给猫狗绝育。Stephen himself had a weakness for cats.史蒂芬本人偏爱猫。We saw two more wild cats creeping towards us in the darkness.我们看见又有两只野猫在黑暗中悄悄向我们靠近。In North America and Europe, cats are companions for many people. Elsewhere, they are not regarded as pets.在北美和欧洲,猫是许多人的伴侣,而在其他地方,它们不被视为宠物。Aunt Gloria can't stand the sight of cats.格洛丽亚阿姨见不得猫。




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