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词汇 大楼
例句 Work on the building finally began in the summer.夏天大楼终于开工了。Construction workers had to spend the night ramming iron girders into place to support the building.建筑工人不得不花了一晚上用力把支撑大楼的铁梁安装好。Police were called when he refused to quit the building.他拒绝离开那座大楼,于是人们叫来了警察。Enemy soldiers set the building alight.敌军放火点燃了这栋大楼At least 4 people were killed by gunfire when police stormed the building.警方突袭那幢大楼的时候,至少有四人死于炮火之中。The earthquake may have damaged the building's structural integrity.地震也许已破坏了这栋大楼的结构完整性。The plan of the new building is displayed on a board at the back of the room.大楼的设计图贴在房间后面的公告板上。The guard makes a patrol of the building every hour.警卫每小时在大楼巡逻一次。They have posted guards at every door to make sure no one enters the building.他们已在每道门前设置了警卫,以确保没有人能够进入这幢大楼The building relies on clever design rather than on ornament for its impressive effect.这幢大楼依靠其巧妙设计而非装饰给人留下了深刻的印象。He strode the halls of the building, looking for the exit.他在大楼的过道里大步走著,寻找出口。The building must be saved from destruction.必须挽救这栋大楼免遭摧毁。If you hear an alarm, leave the building immediately.要是听见警报,马上离开大楼He was near to panic as he scrambled out of the building.他爬出那栋大楼的时候近乎惶恐。Smoke was spiralling from the burning building.浓烟从着火的大楼滚滚升起。He carefully noted the time when they left the building.他们离开大楼的时候,他特别留意了一下时间。There was no indication of forced entry to the building.没有强行闯入大楼的迹象。The building was evacuated and the bomb squad called.大楼人员被疏散,并叫来了拆弹小组。Sloping walls on the bulk of the building create an optical illusion.大楼主体的斜墙给人造成一种视错觉。It is extremely fortunate that there was no-one in the building when the bomb went off.非常幸运,炸弹爆炸时大楼内没有人。Workmen have yet to finish the new complex, but the organisers are confident it will be all right on the night.工人们还没完成新的综合大楼,但组织者相信船到桥头自然直。Every window in the building had been shattered by the force of the blast.大楼里的每一扇窗户都被爆炸的冲击震碎了。Hundreds of people have joined in the effort to save the building.已有数百人参与进来,齐心协力,以保大楼不被拆除。She's renting an apartment in that newish building on Harrison Avenue.她在哈里森大道上那处挺新的大楼里租了一间公寓。They surrounded the building with tanks.他们用坦克包围了大楼The building suffered extensive fire damage.这座大楼在火灾中遭受了大面积的损坏。Tragically, she never saw the completed building because she died before it was finished.可叹的是,她在大楼竣工前就去世了,无缘见到它的落成。The building was converted into flats with the aid of an urban development grant.靠着一笔城市发展拨款的帮助,这幢大楼被改建成了公寓房。The building has undergone major renovation.这座大楼已进行了大的整修。Smoking is banned in the building.大楼内禁止吸烟。The queues at the door wound around the building.门口的队伍绕了大楼一圈。Demonstrators violently resisted attempts to remove them from the building.企图把示威者赶出大楼,但遭到了顽强的抵抗。An officer was sent to conduct the journalists around the shattered building.一位官员被派去带领记者看了倒塌的大楼Her injuries are consistent with having fallen from the building.她的伤与从大楼上掉下来的情况相吻合。Police blocked the entrance to the building.警方封锁了大楼的入口。The fire had destroyed most of the building, but we managed to salvage a few valuable items.大楼的大部分都被火烧毁了,不过我们设法抢救出了一些贵重的东西。The building exploded in/into flames/fire.大楼迅速被大火包围了。The building had to be demolished because of subsidence.这栋大楼因为沉降的原因必须拆除。At some time during the weekend someone broke into the building.周末的某个时候有人闯入了大楼内。The new accommodation block has all but masked the original building.新的宿舍楼几乎就是把原来的大楼包了一下。




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