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There has been a significant increase in teenage pregnancies recently.最近青少年怀孕人数大幅上升。The governor has enjoyed a huge surge in the polls in the wake of last week's convention.上周的大会过后,民意调查显示州长支持率大幅上升。The unemployment rate has been spiraling upward.失业率一直大幅上升。My turnover increased spectacularly.我的营业额大幅上升。There's been a sharp rise in the rate of inflation.通货膨胀率已大幅上升。They hope to create a groundswell of support for her candidacy.他们希望创造出参加竞选的公众支持率大幅上升的局面。Even after factoring out inflation, the costs have increased greatly.即便不考虑通货膨胀,成本也大幅上升了。 |