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词汇 大企业
例句 The tax proposal will be of most benefit to big business.这一税收提案对大企业最为有利。Big businesses are not concerned with the small fry.大企业不关注鸡毛蒜皮的小事。The conglomerate sells everything from chickens to rocket engines.这家联合大企业出售从鸡肉到火箭发动机各色货物。He started off with one small factory, and now he's the head of an oil empire.他开始只经营一家小工厂,如今已成为一个石油大企业的头儿。The local bank was gobbled up by a national conglomerate.一家国有大企业吞并了这家地方银行。A vast American conglomerate has announced plans to buy the site at a cost of well over a billion dollars.一家庞大的美国联合大企业已经宣布计划以远远超过十亿美元的价格购买这块地皮。The company is an outstanding example of a small business that grew into a big one.该公司是小企业成长为大企业的突出例子。The current laws favor large businesses and disfavor smaller businesses.现行法律对大企业有利,对较小的企业不利。Some of the smaller traders are being frozen out by the big combines.一些小商人正在被联合大企业淘汰。He argued that government too often serves the interests of big business. 他认为政府为大企业提供了过多的益处。Many large organizations run courses for their employees.许多大企业为旗下员工开办课程。Big business will continue to locate in the area.大企业将继续在这一地区落户。Small businesses want to compete on a level playing field with larger ones.小企业想和大企业在平等的基础上进行竞争。Organized science had allied itself with big business and government.有组织的科学研究已经与大企业和政府联系起来。Captains of industry have warned that the government's policy could harm British business.大企业首脑警告说,政府的政策可能会危害英国的商业。Smaller manufacturing firms are being squeezed both by big league competition and by low-cost imports.较小的制造商正受到大企业团体竞争和廉价进口货的双重压挤。In Siberia, large enterprises must offer enticements to attract and keep workers.在西伯利亚,大企业必须提供各种优惠以吸引工人并使他们留下来。Who really runs the country - the elected government or big business?谁真正在管理这个国家?是民选的政府还是大企业There are plans to split the corporation into a number of smaller independent companies.有计划要把大企业分割成一些独立的小公司。She built a tiny business into a worldwide empire.她把一个小公司建成了一个全球性的大企业A battle is brewing between ecologists and big business.一场斗争在生态学家与大企业之间酝酿。Big business will never let petty nationalism get in the way of a good deal.大企业永远不会让狭隘的民族主义妨碍它们做大好的买卖。The small firm made its way against the large enterprise.这家小商号在与大企业的竞争中获得成功。 Our small company must compete with the big conglomerates.我们的小公司必须和大企业集团竞争。First of all, there are not many of them, and secondly, they have little money and, thirdly, they have few big businesses.首先,他们人数不多;第二,他们钱很少;第三,他们没有几家大企业Russia's government showed its teeth in the battle to squeeze more tax out of big business.俄罗斯政府在这场斗争中通过威胁从大企业榨取了更多税收。Political leaders almost inevitably pander to big business.政治领导人几乎都不可避免地要讨好大企业The administration of a big business requires skill in dealing with people.管理一个大企业需要与人相处的技巧。




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