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词汇 动手
例句 He is a practical man; he has built a house and a boat.他是个动手实干的人,已造了一所房子和一条船。They rolled up their sleeves to raise money for the handicapped.他们动手为残疾人筹集资金。He was incredibly aggressive - it was only his size that stopped me from hitting him.他非常咄咄逼人,只是因为他身材高大才使我没动手揍他。The course provides hands-on experience within a structured programme of study.该专业课程结构清晰,并为学生提供动手体验的机会。He was fond of using his hands and felt at home with machinery.他很喜欢动手,摆弄机器时感觉自如。He is a doer, not just a thinker or a talker.他不只是思考或谈论,而且还动手实干。When Alf arrives we'll get cracking moving the furniture.阿尔夫到达以后,我们将赶紧动手搬家具。The marching turned to trashing.游行队伍开始动手捣毁东西了。We tried to move the fallen tree, but even with the three of us we could not budge it.我们想搬开那株倒下的树,可是即使我们三个人一起动手还是动不了它。John's not very good practically. He's too intellectual.约翰动手能力不是很强。他更善于动脑。He made her so angry that she lost control and hit him.他令她气得失去控制,动手打了他。It's no use just wishing away week by week, you have to take some action!你光是一星期又一星期地盼望着,这没有用,得动手干!We've got the thumbs-up, so now we can get down to work.我们已获得准许,所以现在可以动手干了。To will is not enough, one must do.想干还不够,必须动手干才行。The children started in on the food without waiting for an invitation.孩子们不等人请就动手吃起来了。The carver roughed out the supporters and mantling before touching the scroll.雕刻师在动手刻出涡卷形装饰之前先雕刻出纹章中持盾牌的人形和盾环垂饰的大致模样。They set to and belted each other.他们动手厮打起来。Make sure the discussion remains purely verbal.要保证大家完全保持动嘴讨论而不能动手Appalled at the state of the kitchen, she set about scrubbing away the layers of grime and grease.厨房里的情况让她惊愕不已,于是动手把一层层的污垢和油污擦掉。After the party we all set to and cleared everything up.聚会结束后,我们都开始动手,把一切都收拾干净。The camp set to work digging latrines.营地士兵开始动手掘坑厕。The website offers sound advice on giving up smoking, including what to do with your hands if you feel fidgety.这个网站针对戒烟提出了一些可行的建议,包括烦躁不安时动手干点儿啥等等内容。Much depends on which individual ingredients you choose. There is nothing for it but to taste and to experiment for yourself.很大程度上取决于你选择哪种配料。除了亲口品尝和动手尝试外,没有别的方法。If you turned the handle the water would flush out of the pipe.只要转动手柄,水就会从管子里流出来。You'd better get cracking, the sooner the better.你应该动手了,越快越好。On occasion pilots have even pitched in to help ground crews move luggage.飞行员们有时甚至动手帮助地勤人员搬运行李。I'm not very practical – I can't even change a light bulb.动手能力不强,我连灯泡都不会换。He shouldn't have hit her, any way you slice it.无论如何他都不应该动手打她。The attacker may have been waiting around for an opportunity to strike.袭击者也许一直都在等待着动手的机会。The soldiers, some drunk, started fighting each other.士兵们动手互殴,其中一些人已喝醉了。Caught in a stressful situation, some people turn on their children and strike them.有些人因处境不顺心就向孩子出气,动手打他们。Then Richard's evil temper gets the better of him and he hits her.然后理查德控制不住自己的暴脾气,动手打了她。He's not very academic, but he's good with his hands.他学业不算优秀,但动手能力突出。After the Christmas dinner, we all pitched in to clean up the house.耶诞晚餐后,我们全都动手帮助清理房子。Start warming up the soup now.现在动手把汤再热一下。Come on! - get cracking. I want this whole house clean by the time I get back.快点!赶紧动手,我要你们在我回来的时候把屋子全部打扫干净。What a mercy it is that the police arrived when they did.好在当他们动手时警察赶到了。Rick pitched into decorating the house at once.里克立即动手装修房屋。The kids are raring to get to work on the tree house.孩子们巴不得马上动手盖树屋。I need to have that job done before lunch. Come on, jump to it!那工作午饭前必须完成。来吧,赶快动手




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