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词汇 外卖
例句 They charge the same price for a takeaway as they do for eating in the restaurant.他们那家餐馆,外卖和堂吃的价钱是一样的。We ordered Chinese carryout.我们叫了中餐外卖We sell hot food to take away. 我们的热菜可外卖Let's send out for a pizza and watch The Late Show.我们叫一份外卖比萨然后看《深夜秀》吧。We ordered some Chinese takeout.我们叫了些中餐外卖I need three takeaways of curry chicken.我需要三份咖哩鸡外卖She works in a Chinese takeout. 她在一家外卖中餐馆工作。Dave just lives on beer and takeaways.戴夫就靠喝啤酒吃外卖过日子。Let's have a Chinese takeaway tonight.我们今晚吃外卖中餐吧。We have neither time nor the money to socialise much. These days a thrill is a takeaway meal.我们既无时间也无金钱从事社交活动,这些日子以来,能吃上一顿外卖就够刺激了。I think I'll stay home tonight, order in a pizza, and watch my new box set.我想今晚我要呆在家里,叫比萨饼外卖,看新买的电视剧合集。The restaurant started as a small takeout place.这家餐厅是从一间小小的外卖店起家的。We were too tired to cook so we ordered takeaway.我们累得连饭都做不动了,于是叫了外卖Forget the cooking, let's go get takeout.别做饭了,我们去买外卖吧。He called in an order for pizza.他打电话叫了一份比萨饼外卖She works in a Chinese carryout.她在一家中餐外卖店干活。She works in a Chinese takeaway.她在一家外卖中餐馆工作。We ordered some Chinese takeaway.我们叫了些中餐外卖The place had a drive-in window for take-away.这个地方有免下车的外卖窗口。Managing four pizza outlets is extremely hard work.经营四家比萨饼外卖店是很累人的工作。




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