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词汇 声调
例句 His words were intoned with certitude.他的话是用确定无疑的声调说的。She related the event in a tragic voice.她用悲痛的声调讲述这一事件。A spokesman listed the casualties in a detached, matter-of-fact tone of voice.一位发言人以事不关己的、就事论事的声调读出死者名单。Her voice dropped to a lower pitch.她的声调低了下来。He concluded his statement in a voice which he strove to divest of a triumphant inflection.他竭力以不流露胜利喜悦的声调结束了他的发言。He did a caricature of the old man by talking in a deep voice.他用深沉的声调讲话,滑稽地模仿那位老人。Deep pain inflected his voice.深深的痛苦使他说话的声调都变了。The strident tone in his voice revealed his anger.他刺耳的声调表明了他的愤怒。The speaker drawled on.演讲人拖长声调说个没完。I dislike his airy tone of voice.我讨厌他那做作的声调There is little tonal variety in his voice.他说话几乎没有声调变化。The villain leans over and speaks to her in a silky persuasive voice.那个恶棍斜倚过来用一种软绵绵、甘言劝诱的声调和她交谈。There was an unfamiliar cadence in her voice.她说话时带有一种不常听到的抑扬顿挫的声调He sang in a soft, low monotone.他用轻柔低声的单调声调演唱。He said with an edge to his voice.他说时带着尖刻的声调There's a certain dryness in her tone.她的声调中有些冷淡的味道。He was speaking without inflection or expression.他用缺少抑扬变化的声调毫无表情地讲着话。Their intonation is too nasal.他们发出的声调鼻音太重。We could hear the gospel groups lift up their voices.我们可以听到唱福音歌曲的人群提高了声调The little girl spoke to her doll in tender accents.那小女孩用温柔的声调和她的玩具娃娃讲话。He was speaking in a lower key now.他此刻正用低沉的声调说话。The class was chanting monotonously from its reading books.全班同学一个声调地反复诵读着读本。




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