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词汇 声名狼藉
例句 He achieved instant fame and notoriety with the release of his film.他的电影上演,他就立刻变得声名狼藉English soccer fans are notorious for their drunkenness.英格兰足球迷以醉酒闹事而声名狼藉He never escaped the infamy his crimes had earned him.他罪行累累,声名狼藉,永远洗刷不清。He was a morally compromised hit man.他是个声名狼藉的职业杀手。This is exactly the kind of incident that brings international companies into disrepute.这正是那种使跨国公司声名狼藉的事。This make of car has a certain notoriety for rust problems.这种型号的汽车因生锈问题而声名狼藉It was infamous as a kingdom of brigands, scoundrels, and slave-traders.该地区因土匪、无赖和奴隶贩子猖獗而声名狼藉Biarritz was notorious in those days as a nest of spies.那时候,比亚里茨作为间谍的老巢声名狼藉Some of the more disreputable newspapers made false claims about her private life.一些声名狼藉的报纸对她的私生活进行了虚假报道。The administration was disgraced by the scandal.那届政府因丑闻而声名狼藉Her misbegotten father spent most of his adult life in prison.她那声名狼藉的父亲在狱中度过了他的大半生。He was infamous for his anti-feminist attitudes.他因反对女性主义而声名狼藉Daly is infamous for his gambling and drinking exploits.戴利因赌博和酗酒而声名狼藉They are notorious for resorting to trickery in order to impress their clients.他们为了打动客户不惜坑蒙拐骗,因而声名狼藉The house was in a disreputable neighbourhood.这栋房子位于声名狼藉的街区。He was notorious for his violent and threatening behaviour.他因暴力和威胁行为而声名狼藉The director's films have achieved notoriety for their graphic depiction of violence.该导演的影片因赤裸裸地对暴力进行描写而声名狼藉He achieved notoriety as chief counsel to President Nixon in the Watergate break-in.他因在水门事件中担任尼克松总统的首席法律顾问而声名狼藉The town will no doubt be bracketed with other notorious racial flashpoints.毫无疑问,该城镇将和其他城市一起被归入声名狼藉的种族冲突爆发点。Public disgrace and infamy would be sure to follow.当众受辱和声名狼藉肯定会接踵而至。She gained notoriety when nude photographs of her appeared in a magazine.她因其裸照刊登在杂志上而声名狼藉It's these hotels that give the island such a bad name.正是这些旅馆令那座小岛声名狼藉By her own rules, she was a tainted woman.按照她自己的标准来看,她是个声名狼藉的女人。It would be infra dig to receive such a notorious person.接待这样一个声名狼藉的人可就有失身份了。This theory is now in disrepute.这个理论现在已经声名狼藉The scandal ruined his reputation and now his name is mud.丑闻毁了他的声誉,现在他声名狼藉The editor pointed out that he had nothing to do with the discredited advertising campaign.那位编辑指出他与那项声名狼藉的广告宣传活动无关。If anything goes wrong, your name will be mud.要是出了任何问题,你就会声名狼藉The organization has come intopublic notoriety through the misbehaviour of its employees.这个组织由于它的雇员行为不检已在公众中声名狼藉If he doesn't turn up tonight, his name will be mud.如果他今晚不出现的话,他将声名狼藉His reputation was permanently tainted by the financial scandal.那起财务丑闻让他一辈子声名狼藉Youthful escapades gave him a bad name.由于年轻时的越轨行为他声名狼藉His father had fallen into a life of drunkenness and disrepute.他父亲开始了终日酗酒、声名狼藉的生活。Why do you go round with such disreputable people?你为什么和这类声名狼藉的人混在一起?The area has a really bad reputation but it isn't as bad as people think.这个地区声名狼藉,但实际上并没有人们所想的那么糟。The town's unsavoury / unsavory reputation was bad for business.这个小镇声名狼藉,不利于商业发展。




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