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词汇 增税
例句 There has been a lot of resistance to tax increases, even those designed to benefit education.增税遭到普遍反对,甚至包括旨在资助教育的增税Higher taxes could cripple small businesses.增税会打击小企业。The government's decision to raise taxes has caused a great furore.政府增税的决定引起了轩然大波。The higher tax provoked widespread discontent among the poor.增税激起贫民的普遍不满。They would have us believe that all these problems can be fixed by raising taxes.他们想让我们相信所有这些问题都可以通过增税来解决。A reduction in interest rates would soften the blow of tax increases.减息对增税带来的打击将起到缓和的作用。The senator took a firm/strong stand against higher taxes.那位参议员立场坚定地反对增税They are not at all happy about the rise in taxes.他们对增税一点都不开心。The new Chancellor has the guts to push through unpopular tax increases.新总理有勇气推动不受欢迎的增税方案获得通过。I think it's fair to say that people are not happy about this tax rise.我认为可以肯定地说,人们不喜欢这次增税The townsfolk raised Cain about the tax increase.市民们对增税大发牢骚。He proposed a large tax increase.他提议大幅度增税The government is now set on increasing taxes.政府现已下决心增税You cannot cut a budget deficit simply by raising taxes.不能只通过增税来削减预算赤字。Plans to improve public services are a way of sugaring the pill of increased taxation.改进公益服务的诸项计划是缓和人们对增税的不满情绪的一种方式。Let me reiterate that we have absolutely no plans to increase taxation.让我再一次重申我们绝对没有增税的计划。The president reassured voters that there would be no tax increase.总统向选民保证不增税I accepted his argument that taxation should be increased.我接受了他提出的应该增税的论点。Reed said the tax increases were not only justifiable, but unavoidable.里德说增税不仅是合理的,而且也是不能避免的。There is no mandate to raise taxes.增税没有得到授权。Allow me to reiterate: if I am elected, I will not raise taxes.请允许我重申:如果我当选,绝不会增税The left oppose the tax increase.左翼人士反对增税It is doubtful that the governor's proposed tax increase will be popular with voters.州长的增税提案会否受到选民拥护还很难说。The decision was made to raise/cut taxes.已经做出了增税/减税的决定。They also hammered away at Labor's plans to raise taxes.他们还不断谈到工党的增税计划。The King had the authority to raise taxes without the permission of parliament.国王有权不经议会同意就增税Fears are growing that a tax increase may stall economic recovery.人们越来越担心增税可能会阻碍经济复苏。The minister has the burden of explaining why he must raise taxes.部长有责任对为何增税作出解释。The President betrayed them when he went back on his promise not to raise taxes.总统因未能履行不增税的承诺而失信于他们。This latest tax increase may push many small companies over the financial precipice.最近的这次增税可能会使许多小公司的财务陷入险境。The change was immediately dismissed as a backdoor tax increase.这一改动被认为是变相增税而立刻遭到否决。The candidate backed/painted himself into a corner by proposing a tax increase.候选人提议增税,把自己逼入了困境。It is hoped that the tax increases will help to stabilize the economy.大家希望增税有助稳定经济。Many people protested over the tax increase.许多人对增税提出抗议。Perhaps unwisely, the President apologised for the tax raise.总统为增税的事情道了歉,这做法可能有欠明智。Scott made a campaign promise not to raise taxes.斯科特在竞选时承诺不增税Legislators dueled over the tax increases.立法委员们围绕增税问题展开争论。The government now faces a new battle over tax increases.政府在增税问题上正面临一场新的斗争。The mayor has reversed himself on the issue of raising taxes.市长已对增税问题改变了看法。Let me say again that the government has no intention of raising taxes.我来重复一遍,政府没有增税的打算。




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