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I mixed up some filler to put in the cracks.我调制了一些腻子填塞到缝里。The floors had been pugged.地板早已填塞好了。The paper was used for sealing up holes in walls and roofs.纸被用来填塞墙壁和房顶的洞了。Fill in any cracks before starting to paint.先把裂缝填塞好再开始油漆。Wad the space with paper, please.请用报纸填塞空隙。We plastered over the holes and cracks in the wall.我们用灰泥填塞了墙上的小洞和裂缝。They padded the seat of the chair with horse-hair to make it soft.他们往椅子的坐垫里填塞马鬃以使之柔软。 |