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词汇 suspect of
例句 Politicians are often suspected of trying to appease campaign contributors from the oil industry.人们常常怀疑政客们会尽力满足来自石油行业的竞选捐助者的要求。The government supporters are beating up anyone they suspect of favouring the demonstrators.政府的支持者痛打任何一个被他们怀疑支持示威者的人。The clubs were suspected of being centres of sedition.俱乐部被怀疑是搞煽动活动的中心。Janis was suspected of masterminding a plot against US airlines in East Asia.贾尼斯被怀疑策划一宗针对在东亚的美国航空公司的阴谋。She was suspected of having links with a dissident group.她涉嫌与一个持不同政见团体有联系。Police have been carrying out raids on prostitutes suspected of soliciting.警察一直在突击搜查被怀疑卖淫的妓女。The arresting officer failed to inform the suspect of his rights.执行逮捕的警官没有告知嫌疑犯应有的权利。Soldiers were punished severely if they were suspected of sympathising with student agitators.军人如果有同情学生鼓动者的嫌疑,就会受到严厉的惩罚。The two men were suspected of being police informers.这两名男子疑似是警方的线人。He was suspected of collaborating with the occupying army.他被怀疑勾结占领军。He was suspected of throwing the boxing match.他被怀疑故意输掉拳击比赛。Those suspected of collaborating during the occupation were tried and shot那些被怀疑在敌军占领时期勾结敌方的人受到了审判并被枪决。The fellow who was suspected of killing his wife was finally hurled into prison.那个涉嫌杀害其妻的家伙最终被迫入狱。He is suspected of appropriating government funds.他被怀疑挪用政府资金。Local authorities were suspected of conniving with the Mafia.地方当局被怀疑与黑手党勾结。They remorselessly beat up anyone they suspected of supporting the opposition.他们毫不留情地殴打任何被怀疑支持反对党的人。The officer was suspected of involvement in an international drugs ring.这名官员被怀疑与国际贩毒集团有牵连。The mayor was suspected of playing footsie with the syndicate.人们怀疑市长与犯罪活动操纵集团勾勾搭搭。The jury who convicted him were suspected of being nobbled.判他有罪的陪审团疑为被人收买。He was suspected of having been a spy during the war.他被怀疑在战时当过间谍。Investigators began compiling a dossier on him after he was suspected of stealing.调查人员在他涉嫌盗窃后开始整理他的材料。The authorities have arrested several people suspected of espionage.官方已经逮捕了几个涉嫌从事间谍活动的人。He was wrongly suspected of the crime.有人错误地怀疑他犯了罪。They were suspected of underground activities.他们被怀疑进行地下活动。Pilcher was suspected of giving away government secrets to the enemy.皮尔彻被怀疑向敌人透露政府机密。Four youths are suspected of starting the fire.四名青年男子涉嫌引发火灾。He is suspected of tampering in the plot.别人怀疑他暗中参与这起阴谋。They are suspected of rigging the election.他们被怀疑操纵选举。Current legislation provides for the detention of those suspected of terrorism.现行法律规定可以拘留嫌疑恐怖分子。Anyone suspected of being in league with the rebels was arrested.被怀疑与叛乱分子勾结的人都遭到逮捕。The pesticide is suspected of causing cancer.杀虫剂被怀疑可致癌。He was suspected of poisoning his wife.他被怀疑毒死了自己的妻子。He was suspected of receiving the stolen jewels.他被怀疑收买珠宝首饰贼赃。He is suspected of being the mastermind behind the bombings.他被怀疑是那些爆炸案的幕后策划者。Both men had originally been suspected of Brown's murder.最初,两个人都被怀疑与布朗的凶杀案有关。They are suspected of trading in illegal weapons.他们被怀疑从事非法武器买卖。He was suspected of treason.他被怀疑有叛国行为。Charges had already been made against certain officials suspected of disloyalty.对某些有不忠嫌疑的官员已经提起了诉讼。They are suspected of subjecting their children to abuse. 他们被怀疑虐待自己的孩子。




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