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词汇 均匀
例句 You should intersperse these pictures evenly throughout the book.你应该使这些图片均匀地分布在整本书中。The meat is divided evenly and boiled in a stew.那块肉被均匀切成小块放到炖菜里煮熟。The waiters balanced the food on large trays.服务生把食物均匀地放在大托盘上。Mix the flour in just enough milk to make a smooth paste.面粉中加入适量的牛奶调成均匀的糊状。Make sure the surface is evenly covered with paint.要确保表面的油漆涂得均匀Add the mushrooms and whizz them until smooth.加入蘑菇,然后搅拌到均匀为止。His breathing was slow and regular.他的呼吸缓慢而均匀When mixed with water the powder forms a smooth paste.和水混合以后,这种粉末会形成均匀的糊状。Blend the cornflour to a smooth paste with a little cold water.加入少量的凉水,将玉米粉搅拌成均匀的糊状。Keep the stitches evenly spaced.保持针脚间隔均匀The pizza toppings were clumped together rather than evenly spread out.比萨饼的配料堆成了一团,而不是均匀地平摊开来。The plants should be evenly spaced.植物间隔应该均匀Put a little cream onto each hand and rub it in well.在每只手上抹上一点儿乳膏,然后涂均匀The recipe says you should beat the eggs lightly/thoroughly/well.菜谱上说,你应该轻轻/充分/均匀地打散鸡蛋。Robyn unscrewed a jar of moisturiser and smoothed it over her face.罗宾旋开一罐润肤霜,把润肤霜均匀地涂在脸上。Mix the powder with enough water to make a smooth paste.把粉末和足够的水混合调成均匀的糊状。Foundation make-up evens out your skin tone and texture.底妆让你的肤色和肤质均匀Temperature becomes uniform by heat conduction.温度通过热传导变得均匀一致。Spread the icing evenly over the cake.把糖霜均匀地撒在蛋糕上。Place all the ingredients in a bowl and beat them until the mixture is smooth.把所有材料都放进一个碗内,然后搅拌至均匀为止。He stood there breathing deeply and evenly.他站在那儿均匀地深呼吸。Microwaves heat water uniformly.微波炉能把水均匀加热。Blend the strawberries with a little icing sugar in a food processor until it forms a smooth purée.给草莓加入一点糖粉,放在食品加工机里搅拌成均匀的糊状。Try to space out the poles evenly.尽量把柱子均匀地排开。She lay awake listening to her sister's steady breathing.她睁眼躺着,听着姐姐均匀的呼吸声。Apply pressure slowly and evenly.缓慢而均匀地加压。Beat the cream with the eggs and cheese until the mixture is smooth.把奶油和鸡蛋、奶酪放在一起搅拌,直至混合物变得均匀细腻。Water beds distribute body pressure much more evenly than conventional beds.水床能比传统床更均匀地分散身体的压力。Distribute the topping evenly over the fruit.将配料均匀地撒在水果上。Support for the Liberals is fairly evenly spread across the country.自由党的支持者在全国分布相当均匀He was perfectly relaxed, and his breathing was quiet and even.他完全放松了,呼吸平静而均匀Within manufacturing, the loss of jobs has been far more evenly spread across the regions.在制造业,就业机会减少的现象已经在整个地区更加均匀地蔓延。For security, use three evenly spaced bolts per post.为了安全起见,每根杆子上要均匀地使用三个螺栓。The trees which gave the road its name stood at regular intervals along the kerb.这条道路得名于这些树木,它们沿两边的路缘间隔均匀地排列着。Try to keep your stitches absolutely even.尽量使针脚均匀She was asleep and breathing evenly.她睡着了,呼吸均匀Remember to breathe regularly.记住要保持呼吸均匀Squeeze the tube slowly to obtain an even flow.慢慢挤压软管使内容物均匀流出。Mary was breathing evenly.玛丽均匀地呼吸著。Apply the lacquer evenly.涂漆要均匀




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