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词汇 strokes
例句 The president outlined in broad strokes the path that the nation must follow.总统粗略地勾划出了国家必须走的道路。She knows the four basic strokes.四种基本游泳姿势她都会。The Romanian rowers pulled ahead with powerful strokes.罗马尼亚划桨手凭借有力的划水占据了领先位置。Cerebral ischemia often leads to strokes.中风经常是因为脑部缺血而引起的。He played some powerful backhand strokes throughout the game.比赛中他打出了几次有力的反手球。He sketched her with quick, deft strokes.他以快速灵巧的笔触给她画素描。Although I mainly swim breaststroke, I am gradually getting better at the other strokes.虽然我主要游蛙泳,但其他泳姿我也游得越来越好。She strokes its soft, ruffled fur.她抚摸着它柔软的、乱蓬蓬的毛皮。Passive smoking is considered a major cause of cerebrovascular disease, which causes strokes.吸二手烟被认为是造成脑血管病,导致中风的主要原因。Woods leads by two strokes.伍兹领先两杆。You can see the strokes of the painter's brush throughout the painting.你能看出画家在整个画面中的运笔。The sea rippled in soft strokes.海面上微波荡漾。The tennis champion took her opponent's best strokes without difficulty.这位网球冠军能毫不费力地应付对手打出的高质量抽球。That left him three strokes behind the pacesetter, Parry.那样一来,他比领先者帕里多出了三杆。Colouring is done in the same direction but with the strokes in reverse order.着色是朝着同一方向的,但线条则是反向勾勒的。I will outline in broad strokes our main ideas.我将粗略概述一下我们的主要观点。He paddled a few more strokes and the nose of the boat ran on to the beach.他又划了几桨,船头便搁到海滩上了。She began to paint with bold, defiant strokes.她开始用遒劲大胆的笔触作画。He beat her by three strokes.他赢了她三杆。She swims with long, smooth strokes.她游泳时双臂划水又长又稳。He suffered further heart attacks and strokes, all of which he fought valiantly.他还曾遭受心脏病和中风的折磨,但他都顽强地挺了过来。He paints with broad strokes.他用粗线条绘画。Apply paint to the canvas in a series of short strokes.用油彩在画布上连续而短促地涂抹几下。Crossed strokes in a signature are often a sign of anger.签名中十字交叉的笔画通常是愤怒的一种表示。The small bridge on the painting was no more than a few strokes of a pencil.画中的小桥只用铅笔寥寥涂几笔即成。They were being given tips on tennis strokes.他们正在接受网球打法方面的指导。My doctor told me that high cholesterol can lead to serious medical problems such as heart attacks and strokes.医生告诫我说胆固醇高会引发心脏病、中风等严重疾病。She caught his likeness with a few bold pen strokes.她用钢笔粗粗几笔就大体勾勒出了他的模样。Bright colours and bold strokes characterize his early paintings.明亮的色彩和大胆的笔触是他早期绘画作品的特征。The clock stopped after six strokes.钟表在敲了六下后停了。I turned and swam a few strokes further out to sea.我转身向海里又游了几下。Fill in gaps by using short, upward strokes of the pencil.用铅笔向上短短地勾画几道来填充空白。He swam gracefully, with easy, unhurried strokes.他游泳很优雅,划水动作轻松自如,不慌不忙。The colour is laid on with bold, uneven strokes.颜色是用粗重、不规则的笔法涂上的。He won the match by a full seven strokes.他足足七击后赢得了比赛。He swam back with long, slow strokes.他游回来时用的是大幅度的缓慢划水。Standard measurements of blood pressure are an important but crude way of assessing the risk of heart disease or strokes.标准的血压测量是评估患心脏病或中风几率的一个重要但不精确的方法。Once you've mastered the basic strokes of squash, the rest is relatively simple.一旦你掌握了壁球的基本打法,其他的就相对简单了。He is ahead by two strokes.他以少于对手两杆领先。How many strokes did you count?你听见钟敲了几下?




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