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词汇 stroking
例句 She went up to the cat and started stroking it.她走上前去,开始抚摸那猫。He began stroking her hair and gently murmuring her name.他开始抚摸她的头发,喃喃地呼唤着她的名字。Ed leant against the wall, languidly stroking the dog.埃德靠在墙上,懒洋洋地抚摸着狗。Miss Poole calmed herself by stroking the cat's fur.普尔小姐轻抚猫的皮毛让自己平静下来。She was stroking the cat's fur.她抚摩着这只猫的毛。Being stroked by a partner is usually more arousing than stroking yourself.被性伴侣抚摸通常比自己抚摸更能激起性欲。She was sitting on the sofa stroking her cat.她坐在沙发上抚摸着她的猫。When the baby cried, his mother soothed him by stroking his hot little head.婴儿啼哭时,母亲便轻抚着他热乎乎的小脑袋使他平静下来。Carla, curled up on the sofa, was smoking a cigarette and stroking her cat.卡拉正蜷缩在沙发上,一边吸着烟,一边轻抚着她的猫咪。He thought for a moment, stroking his well-defined jaw.他摸着自己棱角分明的下巴沉思了片刻。You're just stroking me so I'll go along with you.你只是用甜言蜜语哄我,好让我跟你一起去。She works with celebrities and spends half her time stroking their egos.她跟名人们一起工作,要花一半的时间去奉承他们。Tom likes stroking his beard.汤姆喜欢捋他的胡子。He unpinned her hair, stroking it down over her shoulders.他取下她头发上的夹子,用手捋顺使其披在她肩膀上。He resists horse-trading with congressmen, abhors stroking them.他不肯跟议员们讨价还价做交易,最讨厌拍这些人的马屁。




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