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词汇 strong
例句 I sealed up the package with strong adhesive tape.我用强力胶带把包裹封住了。Their system seems to combine the two ideals of strong government and proportional representation.他们的体制似乎是将强力政府与比例代表制这两种理想相结合了。Consumer cries for Sunday opening were very strong.顾客要求星期天营业的呼声很高。You'll need a strong piece of rope for towing the car.你需要一根结实的绳子才拖得动那辆汽车。She's got to be heterosexual because she harbors a strong homophobia.她对同性恋有强烈的恐惧,因此,她绝对是个异性恋者。The world economy staged a strong recovery.世界经济出现了强劲复苏。It took five strong men to heave the statue up a ramp and lower it into place.五名壮汉合力才把雕像抬上斜坡,然后在合适的位置把它放下。Although he's a strong candidate, he's not a slam dunk.虽然他是一个很有竞争力的候选人,但他没有必胜的把握。Another strong Yorkshire country tradition is making pickles and chutneys.另一个在约克郡盛行的民间传统是做泡菜和酸辣酱。He had high cheekbones and a strong jawline.他高颧骨,下巴轮廓分明。There is a strong revolutionary sentiment in his country.他的国家有一种强烈的革命情怀。He is strong enough to lift that rock.他力气很大,能举起那块石头。Both candidates are expected to make a good/strong showing in next week's election.两位候选人预计都会在下周的竞选中表现良好/强劲。I'm a strong believer in the capitalist system.我是资本主义制度坚定的信奉者。You must be strong enough to take the flak if things go wrong.如果出现问题,你必须勇敢地接受批评。He needs strong glasses for reading.他阅读要戴高度数的眼镜。The sun was up now, and strong.太阳出来了,阳光很强烈。A good strong cup of coffee is just what I need right now.我现在正需要喝一杯浓浓的咖啡。I'm not strong enough to fight him.和他打我还不够强壮。The secret society had a strong code of honour.这个秘密团体有着一套严格的礼数。He tried to avoid taking a strong stand on political hot potatoes like abortion.他力图避免在堕胎等棘手的政治问题上明确表达自己的立场。The President was applauded for his strong support of the bill.总统由于强烈支持这一法案而受到赞扬。His parents inoculated him with a strong desire for knowledge.他父亲灌输给了他强烈的求知欲。Weren't you a bit strong on him?你是否对他有点挑剔?Don't try to go back to work before you are physically strong enough.在身体完全恢复之前,不要急着回去工作。There has been strong criticism of the military regime.该军事政权一直受到人们的强烈抨击。Even though the dye is quite strong, a regular shampoo will remove it.虽然这种染发剂色牢度强,但是普通的洗发水也会使它掉色。He has strong-armed the judiciary, the political opposition and the press into silence.他通过暴力手段迫使法官、政敌和媒体都不敢作声。She has a positive/negative/strong/poor self-image.她自我印象积极/消极/良好/不佳。Plants must be strong enough to survive transplantation.植物要足够强壮才能在移植的时候存活下来。The country is crying out for strong leadership.国家急需强有力的领导。She has strong feelings about the alleged growth in violence against female officers.据称针对女警的暴力事件有所增加,她对此十分愤慨。He had a strong prejudice against foreigners.他对外国人存有强烈的偏见。I was strong-armed into going along.我被逼着继续干下去。You'll need a strong adhesive to attach the boards.你需要强力黏合剂来粘这些板子The school has an impressive/strong track record of getting its students into good universities.这个学校在学生进入名牌大学方面成绩骄人。She was a strong, principled woman.她是一个坚强而有原则的女人。His strong cologne was a real turnoff.他身上浓重的古龙香水味实在让人受不了。I have a strong feeling that she wants to get rid of me.我有一种强烈的感觉她想摆脱我。Her sleeves were rolled up, showing her strong, freckled arms.她的袖子卷起,露出她那强壮的、长有色斑的手臂。




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