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词汇 在乡下
例句 They're roaming around the country shooting at anything that moves.他们在乡下到处转悠,看到活动的东西就开枪。For my part, I prefer living in the country.就我而言,我宁愿住在乡下They're planning to acquire a new home in the country.他们打算在乡下置办一个新家。I will not have you running around the countryside without my authority.不经过我同意,我不会让你在乡下东奔西跑的。She retired and lived out the rest of her days quietly in the country.她退休了,在乡下安静地度过余生。We took a pleasant drive in the country.我们在乡下有一段愉快的驾车旅行。A few days in the country will help pick you up.在乡下住几天能帮助你恢复健康。Growing numbers of people in the rural areas are too frightened to vote.越来越多生活在乡下的人被吓得不敢投票了。She bought a small piece of land/property in the country.在乡下买了一块地/一处房地产。I dream of living in the countryside.我渴望住在乡下It's a dream of mine to own a house in the country.在乡下拥有一幢房子是我的梦想。They spent the next two years crisscrossing the country by bus.接下来的两年他们乘公共汽车在乡下多次往返。They've bought a lovely little place in the countryside.他们在乡下买了一所可爱的小房子。They own a weekend retreat in the country.他们在乡下有一栋周末度假小屋。They have a big house in the country.他们在乡下有一幢大房子。He lives all by himself in the country.他独自一人住在乡下It was her dream to have a little cottage in the country.她的梦想是在乡下拥有一间小屋。Car ownership is a virtual necessity when you live in the country.在乡下,拥有汽车几乎是必要的。He's looking to buy a place in the country.他正留心在乡下购买一所住宅。They lived an austere life in the country.他们在乡下过着十分简朴的生活。They've got a lovely big house in the country.他们在乡下有一幢漂亮的大房子。I'd much prefer to live in the country.我更喜欢住在乡下He used to spend the summer painting at his country home.以前,每到夏天他就待在乡下的宅子里作画。I feel really alive in the country!在乡下我感到浑身是劲儿!They lived a tranquil life in the countryside.他们在乡下过著宁静的生活。A day in the country was a tonic for him.在乡下所呆的一天使他恢复了精力。I'm all for staying in the country for a change.我完全赞成呆在乡下,换换环境。We felt very remote and lonely living out in the country.在乡下生活我们感到非常孤独寂寞。He spent yesterday hidden away in his country retreat.他昨天一整天都躲在乡下的隐居所。A Londoner born and bred, she suspected that a month in the country would bore her to distraction.作为一个土生土长的伦敦人,她不相信在乡下呆一个月就会令她心烦意乱。The wedding was at some stately pile in the country.婚礼在乡下某座恢宏气派的建筑里举行。He doesn't want to live in the country when he grows up, nor does he want to live in the city.他长大后不想住在乡下,也不想住在城里。I was raised on a country farm.我是在乡下的农场长大的。He wandered the countryside, looking for his son.在乡下转来转去,寻找自己的儿子。They lived out in the country, miles from nowhere.他们住在乡下,离任何有人的地方还有好几英里。She lives in the country.她住在乡下One third of the population were townsmen and two thirds countrymen.三分之一的人口是住在城里,三分之二住在乡下He's staying with some friends or other in the country.他正与几个朋友在乡下小住。We lived in the country for more than ten years.我们在乡下曾住过十多年。In the countryside as a young doctor she encountered ancient superstitious beliefs and prejudices.作为一名年轻医生,她在乡下见识了古老的迷信思想和偏见。




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