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词汇 圣经
例句 The Bible's creation story is not to be taken literally.圣经》中的创世故事是不能按照字面意义理解的。The Bible teaches that all people are equal before God.圣经》教导说,在上帝面前人人平等。He quotes the bible to support his belief.他引述圣经以支持自己的信条。It's no use citing the Bible to someone who doesn't believe in God.对不信上帝的人引用《圣经》是无用的。You can read the story of Noah in the Bible.你能在《圣经》里读到挪亚的故事。The community's links with Syria date back to biblical times.这个团体与叙利亚的关系可以追溯到《圣经》时代。He raked out of the box an old family Bible.他在箱子里翻出一本旧的家用《圣经》。Witnesses have to swear on the Bible.证人须手按《圣经》宣誓。The Bible says that God created the world.圣经》上说是上帝创造了世界。The Koran is the Bible of the Moslems.《古兰经》是穆斯林教徒的圣经As the Good Book says…正如《圣经》上所说…You won't find this moral precept in the scriptures.你在《圣经》中找不到这种道德准则。In Islam, only the Qur'an is considered holy.在伊斯兰教中,只有《可兰经》被认为是圣经I missed Bible class last week.上周我缺席了一节《圣经》课。In such moments the Bible becomes sacramental, a means of grace and mediator of the sacred.此时此刻,《圣经》成了圣物,是神的佑护,是神圣的中保。The belief has no scriptural basis.这一信条并无圣经根据。Boyle was a devout Christian and an enthusiastic student of the Bible.博伊尔是个虔诚的基督徒,热衷于研究《圣经》。Do you believe in everything the Bible says?你相信《圣经》中的每句话吗?He made her swear on the Bible that she wouldn't leave him.他让她手按《圣经》发誓不会离开他。You will find the text somewhere in the Bible.你可在《圣经》中的某处找到这段经文。He quotes from the Bible frequently.他经常摘引《圣经》中的句子。According to the Bible, an angel told Mary that she would have God's son, Jesus.据《圣经》所述,一位天使告知马利亚她将生下上帝之子耶稣。She takes the Bible literally.她是从字面上去理解《圣经》的。His writings reflect his conservative views on Biblical interpretation.他的作品反映了他对《圣经》解读所持的保守观点。Her parents gave her a bible when she was a young child.当她还是小孩时,她父母就给了她一本《圣经》。Wesley would pray for hours and memorize large sections of the Bible.韦斯利会祷告好几小时,并把《圣经》大段大段地记住。The lyrics contain biblical allusions.歌词包含圣经的典故。He followed the teachings of the Bible on this subject.他在这个问题上遵从《圣经》教义。The Bible says to requite evil with good.圣经要人们以德报怨。The Bible says the meek will inherit the earth.圣经》上说,温顺的人必承受地土。It would be simplistic to suggest that the Bible promotes male domination.说《圣经》提倡男权统治未免太过简单。Martin Luther translated the Bible into German.马丁·路德把《圣经》译成了德语。In the Hebrew Bible, the firstborn son is the one who inherits his father's position as head of the family.根据《希伯来圣经》,长子是继承父亲家庭首领位置的人。Scripture alone should be our frame of reference for who the Lord really is.圣经》应该是我们回答主是谁这一问题的唯一依据。He draws his morality from a literal reading of the Old Testament.他的道德观来自于对《圣经・旧约》字面的理解。According to the Bible, Adam was the first man.据《圣经》记载,亚当是人类始祖。Western culture has been molded by the Bible.西方文化的形成受到《圣经》的巨大影响。Witnesses are required to swear on the Bible before they testify.证人提供证词之前要手按《圣经》起誓。He read out a short passage from the Bible.他朗读了《圣经》里的一小段。Uncle Richard intoned a chapter from the Bible and improvised a prayer.理查德叔叔吟诵了《圣经》中的一章,又即兴作了一段祈祷文。




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