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词汇 国会议员
例句 We lobbied the members of parliament.我们对国会议员进行了游说。Nearly half the Congress is made up of lawyers.将近一半的国会议员是律师。A number of Republican congressmen were elected on Bush's coattails.一些共和党国会议员是沾了布什的光当选的。The congressmen were accused of selling out to special interests.国会议员们因投靠特殊利益集团而受到指控。There was a Labour rebellion when some left-wing MPs voted against the Chancellor's tax cuts.工党内部发生内讧,一些左翼国会议员对财政大臣提出的减税政策投了反对票。Rumors of corruption dishonored the congressman.贪污的谣言使那位国会议员蒙羞。She is a member/Member of Parliament.她是国会议员The congressman was called as a witness for the prosecution today.今天,这位国会议员被传来为控方作证。He is in favor of term limits for members of Congress. 他主张国会议员的任期应该有限期。We in the Congress can't shirk our responsibility.我们作为国会议员不能逃避责任。Several members of Congress were caught up in the scandal.几名国会议员卷入了这一丑闻。She was recently elected to the country's congress.她最近当选了国会议员The Congressman was furious that the report had been leaked.这位国会议员对报告被泄露的事非常恼火。The media have declared open season on the congressman and his private life.媒体已经公布了一个言论开放期,在此期间可对这位国会议员及其私生活进行自由评论。He was elected with a huge popular vote to the Congress.他以很高的选民票数当选国会议员Members of congress were warned of possible repercussions if their vote went through.国会议员被警告如果他们的投票通过可能会带来不良影响。Logan, a long-serving Congressman, was both feared and respected by his political opponents.洛根这位供职多年的国会议员,政敌们对他又敬又怕。Because journalists don't think the congressman constitutes much of a threat, they don't write or broadcast stories about him.新闻记者认为那位国会议员不会构成什么威胁,所以就不在报上或电台电视节目中报道他的消息了。The senate office hired several congressional aides.参议院办公室聘用了几名国会议员助理。Some members of Congress offered a proposal to legalize certain illegal immigrants.一些国会议员提出一项让某些非法移民合法化的建议。Some Congressmen are uneasy about the government's Pro-Russian tilt in foreign policy.有些国会议员对政府外交政策上的亲俄倾向感到不安。Soon after the New Year, the new Congress will come to Washington to be sworn in.新年后不久,新一届国会议员就将前往华盛顿宣誓就职。The Fifth Congressional District seat was uncontested. 第五选区的国会议员席位只有一人参选。Kilpatrick claims that she and the congressman were once lovers.基尔帕特里克称,她和那位国会议员曾经是情人。Many congressmen are eager to run with the tax-cut ball.许多国会议员急于想解决减税问题。This congressman is clever at making scores off hecklers at public meetings.这位国会议员擅长在公众集会上驳倒诘难者。The meetings were held in secret, much to the annoyance of some members of Congress.会议是秘密召开的,这令一些国会议员很恼火。The Advocate, a national gay magazine, outed the congressman.一本全国性的同性恋杂志《倡导者》揭发了这位国会议员是同性恋者。The party aims to increase the number of women elected to Congress.该党的目标是增加当选为国会议员的妇女人数。He had served on the bench and in Congress.他曾经当过法官和国会议员He was also an MP — I'll think of his name in a moment when it comes back to me.他当时也是一位国会议员,他的名字我得想一下才能记起来。Every two years all the congressmen stand for re-election.所有国会议员每两年重新选举一次。The whole of Congress rose to their feet as one, clapping and cheering.全体国会议员同时站起来鼓掌欢呼。The group had a series of consultations with members of Congress.这一团体与国会议员进行了一系列磋商。A member of congress works in the political arena.国会议员在政界活动。We must, each of us, prevail upon our congressman to act.我们每一个人都必须说服我们各自的国会议员采取行动。The president's proposal to scrap the program has angered many members of Congress.总统放弃这个计划的提议激怒了许多国会议员Ramsey, who hosts a Christian radio show, is full of praise for the two new congressmen.拉姆齐,一个基督教电台节目的主持人,对两位新国会议员大加赞扬。Members of Parliament were back in school today, so to speak.可以说国会议员今天回到了学校。She is intending to stand for parliament.她打算竞选国会议员




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