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词汇 travel in
例句 Of course you have to pay more if you want to travel in the summer.如果你想夏天出游当然得付更多的钱。No self-respecting gourmet would travel in France without the Michelin red guide.任何地道的美食家游览法国时都会带着一本红皮的《米其林指南》。The book is a humorous account of a young man's travels in South America.这本书幽默地讲述了一位年轻人在南美洲旅行的故事。Here's some useful information about travel in Canada.这是一些关于在加拿大旅行的有用信息。One day ordinary people will be able to travel in space.总有一天普通人也能去太空旅行的。Many animals travel in tightly packed lorries and are deprived of food, water and rest.许多动物被装上货车运输,车上拥挤不堪,没吃没喝,也得不到休息。The book was inspired by his travels in the Far East.这本书是他远东旅行的结晶。His travels in foreign lands provided him with the inspiration for many of his poems and songs.他在外国的游历为他提供了许多诗与歌曲的灵感。Rail travel in Britain seems to be getting more and more unreliable.英国的火车旅行似乎越来越不准时。Dolphins travel in small groups.海豚小群小群地行进。I like to travel in reasonable comfort.我喜欢比较舒服的旅行。Light, heat and sound travel in waves.光、热和声以波的形式传播。Information on travel in New Zealand is available at the hotel.新西兰的旅行信息可以在宾馆获取。The President always travels in a convoy.总统出行总有车队护卫。All planets travel in the same direction.所有行星都朝同一方向运行。Information on travel in New Zealand is available at the hotel…新西兰的旅行信息可以在宾馆获取。Lower fares make it advantageous to travel in winter.较低的交通费使冬季旅行更有利。They travel in convoy with armed guards.他们的车队在武装警卫的护送下行进。You'll have to travel in disguise.你必须乔装出行。Light always travels in a straight line.光总是直线运动。While he had originally traveled in order to study, traveling had become an end in itself.尽管他原本是为了学习而旅行,但旅行过程本身也是一种享受。My knowledge of French stood me in good stead when I traveled in France.我在法国旅游时,我的法语知识很有用。She travels in stationery.她到处推销文具用品。These attractions induce people to travel in that country.这些诱人之处吸引人们到那个国家去旅游。Her travels in Asia have made her a lot more independent.亚洲之行使她自立了许多。Many of the students travel in by bus from outlying areas.很多学生乘坐公共汽车从偏远地区到市区上学。She likes to travel in the summer.她喜欢在夏季出游。Mr Banks gave a short talk about his travels in Africa.班克斯先生简短地谈了一下他的非洲之旅的情况。The book discusses the future of travel in outer space.这本书探讨了太空旅行的未来。She travels in conservative political circles.她游走于保守派的政治圈子中。He preferred to travel in disguise.他偏爱乔装打扮出行。He traveled in all quarters of the earth when he was young.他年轻时曾周游世界。He travels in political circles.他和政界人士来往。Santa Claus travels in a sleigh pulled by reindeer.圣诞老人乘坐驯鹿拉的雪橇出行。It can be hard to travel in a foreign country if you don't speak the lingo.你要是不会外语,去国外旅行会困难重重。




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