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词汇 traveling
例句 I'm sure you'll want to clean up after a full day of traveling.旅行了一整天,我想你一定想梳洗一下。I enjoy traveling, but I can do without having to wait around in crowded airports. 我喜欢旅行,但不喜欢在拥挤的机场里干等。She'd been out of the country for three months, traveling in Europe.那时她已出国三个月,在欧洲旅行。The car was traveling at a hundred miles an hour.汽车当时正以一百英里的时速行驶。The hours that I spend traveling to work really add up.我花在上班路上的时间加起来真不少。His language skills will stand him in good stead when he is traveling.旅行时,他的语言技能将派上用场。While he had originally traveled in order to study, traveling had become an end in itself.尽管他原本是为了学习而旅行,但旅行过程本身也是一种享受。The truck was traveling under fifty miles per hour.那辆卡车以每小时不到五十英里的速度行驶著。You're not traveling there by yourself.你不能独自去那里旅行。The order/shipment is traveling by plane.所订货物/发出的货物由飞机运送。His constant traveling was hell on their relationship.他不断旅行,使他们的关系陷入了困境。I've been traveling all day.我整整一天都在赶路。He enjoys traveling to remote and exotic destinations.他喜欢到遥远的有异国情调的地方去旅游。The plane was traveling in a northeasterly direction when it was hit by lightning.飞机遭闪电击中时正朝东北方向飞行。She spoke dreamily of traveling around the world.她不切实际地谈起环游世界。They toured the city by themselves instead of traveling with a guide.他们没有请导游,而是独自游览了这座城市。We'll be traveling in the third-class cabin.我们将坐三等舱出游。Most airlines offer freebies to children traveling on their planes.大多数航空公司送赠品给乘坐他们飞机旅行的儿童。She doesn't like traveling too much.她不太喜欢旅行。Are you traveling by train or by bus?你打算坐火车还是坐大巴旅行?That car was really traveling when it passed us.那辆车飞快地从我们身边驶过。You'll have to pay your own travel/traveling expenses.你得支付自己的旅费。After traveling all night, they were desperate for sleep.走了一整夜后,他们渴望睡上一觉。I spent the whole summer traveling through Europe.我花了整个夏天游遍欧洲。Passengers traveling in the steerage paid the lowest fares.坐下等客舱的旅客付最低的票价。She was salivating at the prospect of traveling to Europe.她非常期盼能去欧洲旅行。We had been traveling for two hours and I knew that we must be getting close to Vancouver.我们已经走了两个小时了,我想我们一定快到温哥华了。The crib folds compactly for traveling. 这种婴儿床折叠后十分小巧,方便出行时携带。She's been traveling around the country trying to get big companies interested in her ideas.她跑遍全国,想让大公司对她的主意感兴趣。According to Caroline, Larry isn't around much since he started traveling for work.据卡罗琳说,拉里自从开始出差后就不大在家了。Her pets are unaccustomed to travel/traveling.她的几个宠物不习惯旅行。He has a delicate stomach and often gets sick when traveling.他的胃很虚弱,经常会在旅行时不舒服。A good rule to follow when traveling is to do as the locals do.旅游时要遵守的一条好规则就是入乡随俗。The birds are traveling south for the winter.鸟儿正飞往南方越冬。His father hated him traveling with trash like them.他父亲讨厌他跟像他们那样的社会渣滓一起旅行。It's not wise to risk traveling so soon after surgery.手术后没多久就冒险旅行是不明智的。She is traveling solo. 她在独自旅行。She enjoys traveling around Europe.她喜欢在欧洲各地旅游。The automobile caused a revolution in our way of traveling.汽车使旅行的方式发生了革命性的变化。The referee called her for traveling.裁判判她持球走步。




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