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词汇 travel expenses
例句 We earned two hundred dollars, less travel expenses.扣除差旅费用,我们挣了两百美元。He was given a sum of money to cover his travel expenses.他得到一笔钱以支付差旅费。Your travel expenses should be paid for by your employer.你的差旅费应由你的雇主支付。The company will reimburse you for travel expenses.你的旅费可向公司报销。Instructions came from on high to reduce our travel expenses.上级指示要缩减我们的差旅费用。We will reimburse you for your travel expenses. = We will reimburse your travel expenses.我们将报销你的差旅费。The company cannot reimburse you for undocumented travel expenses.没有票据凭证的差旅费公司无法报销。Staff who have to travel farther can claim excess travel expenses.需要去更远的地方出差的员工可以申请额外差旅费。Staff who have to travel farther can claim excess travel expenses.需要到更远的地方出差的职员可以领取额外差旅费。My boss thinks I've been fiddling my travel expenses.我的老板觉得我在虚报交通费。When they were preparing a budget, they forgot to figure in occasional travel expenses.准备预算时,他们忘了把临时的旅行支出计算在内。In special cases, a husband can deduct the travel expenses of his wife who accompanies him on a business trip.在特殊情况下,丈夫可以扣除陪同出差的妻子的旅费。If you're self-employed, your travel expenses are tax-deductible.如果你是个体经营,你的差旅开支可在计税前从总收入中扣除。Incidentally, I wanted to have a word with you about your travel expenses.顺便说一句,我打算和你谈一下你的开支报销问题。Rising rents and travel expenses simply eat into any pay rise that nurses might get.不断上涨的房租和交通费把护士们可能得到的加薪都消耗掉了。An allowance for travel expenses was built into the budget.把旅差费补贴计入预算。He received a per diem allowance to cover his travel expenses.他拿到了一笔日补贴以弥补他的差旅费。Will my travel expenses be refunded?我的旅费能报销吗?His wife's travel expenses could not be refunded.他妻子的旅费不能报销。I received a partial reimbursement for my travel expenses.我的差旅费报销了一部分。He was able to offset his travel expenses against tax.他可以用旅费来获得税项减免。The company doesn't pay my travel expenses.公司不支付我的旅费。We use video conferencing for our meetings, thereby saving thousands in travel expenses.我们召开视频会议,从而节省了数千元的差旅费。




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