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词汇 caring
例句 She is very caring and very genuine.她很关心他人,也非常诚恳。Anne spent years caring for her sick aunt.安妮花了好多年时间照料她生病的姑妈。To save the planet we must set the trend of caring for the environment.为了拯救地球,我们必须树立保护环境的风尚。He'll be remembered as a caring teacher with a warm presence. 他是一名和蔼可亲的教师,人们将永远记得他。She's caring for an elderly relative.她正照料一个年迈的亲戚。We must try to create a more caring, more compassionate society.我们必须力求创造一个人与人之间有着更多的关怀和同情的社会。They have established a mutually supportive and caring relationship.他们已经建立了相互支持、彼此关心的关系。She drove around aimlessly for a while, not caring where she went.她漫无目的地开车转了一会儿,无所谓去哪里。His caring personality was cloaked by shyness.由于羞怯,他体贴的性格并不容易被察觉。He is a lovely boy, very gentle and caring.他是个可爱的男孩,非常温柔体贴。Victoria's separated from her husband and caring for her children alone.维多利亚跟丈夫分居了,由她一个人照顾孩子。I used to worry about him coming home late, but now I'm past caring.我过去常常会为他的迟归而担心,但现在我已经不再牵肠挂肚了。He spent many years caring for his senile mother.他花了好多年照顾老态龙钟的母亲。The burden of caring for elderly parents often falls on women.照料年长的父母的责任常落在女性身上。He has high principles and a very caring nature.他有着崇高的道德准则,还很有爱心。After my mother left, my father gave up even the pretense of caring for anyone besides himself.母亲走后,父亲连假装关心一下其他人也没有。Diane had dedicated her life to caring for him to the exclusion of all else.黛安娜一生都在照顾他,对其他一切都无暇顾及。He's trying to cultivate a more caring image.他正在努力树立自己更为体贴的形象。No one could ever accuse this government of not caring about the poor.没有人会指责该政府不关心穷人。Arthur was a very gentle, caring person.阿瑟是一个非常温柔体贴的人。They want to be thought of as warm, neighbourly, and caring.他们希望在别人眼里他们热情、友好、有爱心。Respite care is intended to relieve parents of the burden of caring for disabled children.暂托服务旨在减轻父母照顾残疾儿童的负担。The initial image projected was of a caring, effective president.最初呈现出的是一个充满爱心、办事有效的总统形象。Diane had dedicated her life to caring for him, to the exclusion of all else.黛安一生都在一心一意地照顾他。We need a more caring society.我们需要一个有更多关爱的社会。She had to bear/shoulder the burden of caring for her aging parents.她只得扛起照顾年迈父母的重担。I truly never minded caring for Rusty…我真的从不介意照顾拉斯蒂。She was past caring about anything by then and just wanted the pain to end.那时,她已经什么都不在乎了,只盼着疼痛能够止住。Lack of communication, not lack of caring, often causes marriages to break up.婚姻的破裂通常是由于缺乏沟通,而不是缺少关爱。Children play with dolls and role-play to learn about empathy and caring.孩子们玩玩偶时通过角色扮演学习同情和关心。Children need a caring and happy home life.儿童需要充满关爱和幸福的家庭生活。We need a caring society.我们需要一个有爱心的社会。He thinks of himself as a warm-hearted and caring human being.他认为自己是个热心肠、有爱心的人。I am so amazed at how caring and generous people are here.我很惊叹这里的人那么有爱心,那么慷慨。She described her husband as a generous, caring man.她说她的丈夫是一个大方体贴的男人。The company wrote and apologized for their mistake, but by then Sarah was past caring.那家公司写信来为他们的错误道歉,但那时候莎拉已不在乎此事了。In public he appears brusque and dismissive, but he is in fact a very caring person.在公共场合他显得说话唐突,一副不屑一顾的样子,可实际上他待人非常细心周到。Rather than put him in the hospital, she had been caring for him at home.她没有让他住在医院,而是一直在家里照顾他。The initial image projected was of a caring, effective president.他最初表现出的是一个充满爱心、办事有效的总统形象。Instructions on caring for your new sofa are included.里面有保养你新沙发的说明书。




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