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词汇 哪怕
例句 Any increase in the rate of inflation could have a serious effect on levels of unemployment.哪怕通货膨胀率有一点儿提高都可能对失业水平产生严重影响。I will not give up even if there is only a gleam of hope.哪怕只有一线希望我也不会放弃。The probe is sensitive enough to detect the presence of a single microbe.这个探测器灵敏度很高,哪怕只有一个微生物个体也能检测出来。He can't bear to talk about it, even to me.他不想和别人谈论这件事,哪怕对我也是一样。Mere privity to a crime may involve legal penalties.哪怕是秘密参与犯罪都可能招致法律制裁。They were the only country to argue for even token recognition of the Baltic states' independence.他们是唯一为波罗的海沿岸国家争取哪怕是象征性承认的国家。I defy you to come up with one major accomplishment of the current Prime Minister.我敢说你讲不出现任首相的哪怕一项重大成就。Parting from any one of you for even a short time is hard.离开你们中任何一个人哪怕只是一小段时间都舍不得。It would be nice if, just for once, the two of you could get on with each other.如果你们俩能好好相处,哪怕只有一次,那也是不错的。Most of the crowd were cheering for the underdog to win just this one time.人群里的大多数人都在为劣势一方鼓劲,希望他哪怕就赢这一次。I'm completing this course, even if it kills me.哪怕有再大的困难,我也要完成这门课程。We were never treated with anything even remotely approaching rudeness. 我们从未受到过哪怕一点点的粗暴对待。This type of arrangement remains valid even if you become mentally incapable.哪怕你精神失常,这种协议也仍然有效。Listen to us, if only this once.听我们的吧,哪怕就这么一次。If he could beat his uncle out of a dollar he'd do it.如果能从叔叔那里骗到哪怕一美元,他都会做的。I couldn't take the risk of leaving him alone even for a short time.我不能冒险留下他独自一人,哪怕是一会儿。Even quite small aircraft occupy a lot of space.哪怕很小的飞机也要占很大的空间。I am glad to hear of fighting, even though we come off second-best.听说要搏斗,我总是高兴的,哪怕我们败于对手。Individuals with even a small degree of emotional intelligence are a dream to work for.想在一个哪怕稍有一点点情商的人手下工作也成了奢望。A fake fur collar or cuff adds a dash of glamour to even the simplest style.哪怕是最简单的款式,加上人造毛皮衣领或袖口也会显出几分雍容华贵。It's crowded at the best of times but today it was unbearable.平时哪怕是最好的情况下人也很多,而今天则是拥挤不堪了。A moment's hesitation could have cost him his life.当时,哪怕是片刻的犹豫也会要了他的性命。A school has to be able to make rules about students’ dress, even at the risk of upsetting parents.学校要对学生的衣着作出规定,哪怕会得罪家长。Even Brussels bureaucrats can't homogenize national cultures and tastes.哪怕是布鲁塞尔的官僚也无法使民族文化和品位单一化。Even the greatest athletes have their off days.哪怕是最伟大的运动员也有不顺利的时候。Just one consumer review stating the book is unreadable could be the kiss of death for the book.哪怕只有一条顾客评论说此书不值一读,对这本书来说也可能会是灭顶之灾。They were eager for any scrap of news.他们盼望得到哪怕是只言片语的消息。Heston never cracked, even when they tortured him.赫斯顿从来没有垮下,哪怕他们折磨他时也是一样。Just one day of sunshine would be a welcome relief from the rainy weather we've been having lately.近来一直阴雨连绵,哪怕只有一天的阳光都会是令人期待的调剂。If you had an ounce of common sense, you wouldn't try it.哪怕你有那么一丁点儿常识,你都不会去试了。I'd go to the ends of the earth to be with him.哪怕走到天涯海角我也要和他在一起。You have to let us struggle for ourselves, even if we die in the process.你得让我们自己奋斗,哪怕我们会在这一过程中死去。It's sacrilege to even think of destroying that lovely building.那幢美丽的建筑,哪怕是有把它拆除的念头也是不敬。What frightful gossips people are, even one's best friends.人们最爱散布流言蜚语,哪怕是自己最好的朋友也不例外。I cannot take a life, even indirectly.我不能剥夺别人的生命,哪怕是以间接的方式。He would try anything to make her even the smallest degree happier.为了使她哪怕比现在高兴一丁点儿,他愿意做任何事情。She'd beg, borrow, or steal the money for those shoes.哪怕是去讨去借去偷也要弄到钱买那双鞋。Alfred beat his children for even the smallest misdemeanour.孩子们哪怕有一丁点不好的行为,艾尔弗雷德也会打他们。Emotional conflict may shake the foundations of even the strongest relationship.情感冲突可以动摇哪怕是最牢固的人际关系的基础。He can turn violent at the least/slightest/smallest provocation.哪怕是一点点的小刺激都能让他暴怒。




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