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词汇 conquest
例句 The Normans ruled England by right of conquest.诺曼人藉征服的力量统治英国。Trade rather than territorial conquest was held to be the route to progress.贸易而不是领土征服被认为是进步的途径。He addressed himself to the conquest of women.他成天忙于博得女人们的欢心。The play is being widely read as an allegory of imperialist conquest.这部剧被广泛解读为对帝国主义征服的讽刺。The Normans ruled England by right of conquest.作为征服者,诺曼人统治了英格兰。The conquest of outer space is one of the greatest triumphs of modern science.征服外层空间是现代科学最杰出的成就之一。The road to the conquest of cancer is long and full of pitfalls.战胜癌症的征途是漫长的,而且布满意想不到的困难。The Roman conquest reached throughout England.罗马人的征服势力曾遍及英格兰各地。Negotiations are preferable to conquest.谈判比征服更可取。The palace was built in Cordoba, Spain, following the Arab conquest.阿拉伯战胜之后,把宫殿建造在西班牙的科尔多瓦。The chase is always much more exciting than the conquest anyway.不管怎么说,追求的过程总比得手更为刺激。He continued to expand his kingdom by conquest.他通过征服手段继续扩张他的王国。The French empire had expanded largely through military conquest.法兰西帝国的扩张主要靠军事征服。Her latest conquest is an Italian who, interestingly enough, doesn't speak a word of his native language.她新搭上了个意大利人。有意思的是,那个意大利人一句意大利语都不会说。The Roman legions left, opening the way for the conquest of the British Isles by the Germanic tribes.罗马军团撤退,给日耳曼部族开辟了征服不列颠群岛的道路。The rich and handsome young man made a conquest of Jeanne.这位富裕而又英俊的年轻人赢得了琴的爱情。The basic aim of this institution is the conquest of disease.本协会的基本宗旨是征服疾病。He was telling his tales of conquest in clubland.当时他正在大讲特讲自己在夜总会的征服史。




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