例句 |
A merger as such involves no necessary connotations of coercion, dominance, etc.像这样的合并并不一定带有强制或控制等的含义。The word has one literal denotation but several different connotations.这个词有一个指称意义和好几个不同的隐含意义。It's just one of those words that's got so many negative connotations.这只是那些带有很多负面含义的单词中的一个。That word has strong sexual connotations.那个词有很强的性暗示。The notion of abuse has wider connotations than the physical.虐待这一概念的内涵不单指身体上的虐待。The word carries connotations of romance.这个词带有浪漫之义。There were political connotations in such choices.这样的选择具有政治含义。 |