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词汇 conquer
例句 Modernist architecture tries to conquer nature instead of working with it.现代主义建筑试图征服自然,而不是与自然共处。The company hopes to conquer new markets abroad.公司希望能够拓展新的海外市场。She was determined to conquer her fear of flying.她决心克服对乘飞机的恐惧。Hilton stepped into the room, fighting to conquer his feelings of disgust.希尔顿走进房间,努力克制自己的厌恶情绪。I was certain that love was quite enough to conquer our differences.我相信爱情足以战胜我们之间的差异。They feared that totalitarians might yet conquer the entire world.他们担心极权主义者会征服整个世界。I believe man will conquer the weather in the near future.我相信人类在不久的将来将征服天候。He tried to appear casual, but he couldn't conquer his unease.他试图显得随意些,但是他无法克服自己的不安。She has been unable to conquer her fear of heights.她无法克服恐高症。They became overheated nationalists, militarists, and they were out to conquer.他们变成了过分狂热的民族主义分子和军国主义分子,并想要征服他国。Swords conquer some, but words subdue all men.刀剑威逼顺者少,好言劝说人皆服。I'm afraid this man wants war. He wants to conquer.恐怕这个人希望战争。他想要克敌。He was one of the first climbers to conquer Mount Everest.他是首批征服珠穆朗玛峰的登山者之一。Despite their differences, their love will conquer.尽管他们之间有种种分歧,他们的恋爱必定会成功。They vowed to fight and to conquer.他们发誓要战而胜之。Sailors travelled to the New World with the urge to conquer and explore.怀着征服与探险的强烈欲望,水手们坐船到了新大陆。The explorers set off to conquer new territories.探险家们动身去征服新的领地了。He is having therapy to conquer his phobia.他在接受治疗以克服自己的恐惧症。His military strategy is to divide and conquer.他的军事策略是分而治之。Garland tried to appear casual, but he couldn't conquer his unease.加兰努力装出无所谓的样子,可是他没法克服自己的局促不安。




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