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词汇 conscience
例句 His decision appears to have been an act of conscience.他的决定看起来是有良知的行为。You should decide what to do according to your own conscience.你应该凭良心来决定你的行为。Let conscience be your guide.让良心指引你吧。This question is a matter of individual conscience.这是有关个人良知的问题。Let your conscience guide you.你要凭良心办事。Why is she being so nice to everyone all of a sudden? She's obviously got a guilty conscience about something.她为什么突然之间对大家都这么好?显然她心里有什么事觉得内疚。We cannot in all conscience refuse to help.凭良心说,我们不能拒绝帮忙。Each person must vote according to his or her own conscience.每个人都应当按照自己的良心投票。How could people of conscience allow this to happen?有良知的人怎么能容许这样的事情发生?I had a sudden pang of conscience that I really ought to tell the truth.我突然感到一阵内疚,觉得确实应该说出真相。After the meal she spent a week dieting to salve her conscience.大吃一顿后,她花了一周时间节食以安慰自己。Mr Garcia said his conscience was clear over the jail incidents.加西亚先生说他对监狱中发生的事件问心无愧。The thief must have had an attack of conscience, because he returned the wallet with nothing missing from it.这个小偷一定是突然良心发现,因为他把钱包又原封不动地还了回来。Prompted by a pang of conscience, she decided to tell him the truth.由于良心不安,她决定告诉他真相。After searching my conscience, I realized that I could not accept their offer.扪心自问后,我意识到我不能接受他们的给予。He felt his conscience telling him to apologize.他感觉良心一直告诉自己去道歉。How could he have done such harm to her! He's got no conscience at all.他怎么能这样伤害她!他真是一点良心也没有。She hurried home, conscience-stricken about having left all the dishes for Natalie to do.她匆匆地赶回家,因为把所有的碗碟都留给纳塔莉洗,她心里感到内疚。Kindness and understanding will often draw a boy to unburden his conscience.仁爱和理解常常会使得男孩吐露真情,以解除良心的负担。He had no conscience about taking his brother's money.他对拿哥哥的钱一点儿也不觉得内疚。Let them say whatever they like. I have a clear conscience.让他们随便说吧,我问心无愧。Clearing one's conscience is medicinal for the soul.净化良心,灵魂得益。His conscience was sadly benumbed.他的良心可悲地麻木了。That untruth will lie heavy on his conscience.那谎言将使他内疚而心头沉重。I have only ever followed my conscience.我不过是一直凭着自己的良心行事罢了。Performing this small service for her eased Jarvis's conscience a little.为她做这点小事让贾维斯略微安心一点。His conscience pricked him on to admit his crime to the police.他的良心驱使他向警方认罪。The former prisoner of conscience was elected president of the new democracy.从前的政治犯当选为新的民主政府的总统。In his mind there lurked some vestigial traces of conscience.在他的内心还隐藏着些许残余的良知。His conscience didn't even prick at the deception.如此行骗,他的良心甚至无丝毫的不安。Anna and her conscience had a little tussle.安娜与自己的良知小小地斗争了一番。His conscience had nagged him into it.他受良心的责备才这么做。Best came forward because of an attack of conscience.因为良心发现贝斯特站了出来。Her conscience was bothering her a little.她的良心使她有点儿不安。She refused to listen to the voice of conscience.她拒绝听从良心的召唤。He felt the twangs of conscience.他感到良心的谴责。I give myself treats and justify them to salve my conscience.我常犒劳自己一番,然后找个说辞让自己良心稍安。I have a clear conscience.我问心无愧。She had done what she could and her conscience was clear.她已经尽力了,问心无愧。I never knew a more tender conscience on every point of duty.我从没见过对自己职责的方方面面考虑得如此周到细致的人。




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