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词汇 captive
例句 The terrorists were holding several diplomats captive.恐怖分子扣押了数名外交官。The passengers on the plane were a captive audience. 飞机上的乘客都是受制听众。Several tourists were being held captive by rebels in Kashmir.数名游客在克什米尔地区遭叛乱分子扣留。He was held captive by his own fears.他被自己的恐惧心理吓倒了。The photo showed the captive sitting down, encircled by several armed men.照片上显示囚徒坐着,由几名武装分子围着。The government demanded that the captive soldiers be released.政府要求释放被俘士兵。Rebels in Liberia have released four foreigners after holding them captive for a week.利比里亚的叛乱分子在关押四名外国人一周之后将他们释放了。The captive's arms were pinioned to his sides.俘虏的双臂被绑在身体的两侧。Armed gunmen broke into the church and took the priest captive.武装分子冲进教堂劫持了神父。He was taken captive on the border.他在边境被俘。The captive soldiers planned their escape.被俘虏的士兵计划逃跑。The politician seemed a captive of hidden interests.那个政客看来是不露面的利益集团的工具。Three soldiers were taken prisoner/captive.有三名士兵被俘。The captive was bound and gagged. 那个俘虏被绑了起来,而且嘴也被堵住了。She was the captive of fear.她深陷恐惧之中。He was held captive for a week before he was ransomed and returned to his family.他被绑架一个星期后才被赎出回到家里。Nine Indians were taken captive.九个印第安人被俘。Enemy forces took/held them captive. 敌军将他们俘虏了。They're being held hostage/captive/prisoner.他们现在成了人质/俘虏/囚犯。We all performed action songs, sketches and dances before a captive audience of parents and patrons.家长和赞助人被迫观看了我们表演的指令歌、滑稽小品和舞蹈。Airlines consider business travellers a captive market.航空公司把商务旅行者视为垄断性市场。He was a captive to her charms.他被她的魅力迷住了。Children come to zoos precisely to see captive animals.孩子们到动物园就是为了看圈养的动物。She was held captive in a castle.她被关押在一个城堡里。Our communities should not be captive to the mistakes of the past.我们的社会不应受制于过去犯下的错误。Her heart had begun to pound inside her chest like a captive animal.她心情紧张起来,一颗心在胸膛里扑通扑通跳个不停。




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