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词汇 hard pressed
例句 The town is hard pressed for hotel space.这个城市旅馆床位很紧。 You'd be hard pressed to find anyone better for the job.找一个更好的人来做这一工作很难。The staff at Buckingham Palace would be hard pressed to meet his demands.白金汉宫的工作人员将很难满足他的要求。The army could well be hard pressed to open up another front.军队很可能无法开辟另一条战线。Such a man will be hard pressed to produce something of value.这样的人很难创造出什么有价值的东西。 Something cold and hard pressed into the back of his neck.一个冰冷梆硬的东西顶在了他的脖梗儿上。




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