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词汇 和平
例句 He said he would leave no stone unturned in the search for peace.他说他会尽一切努力去寻求和平There's been a positive response to the UN's recent peace efforts.联合国近来对和平所作出的努力得到了肯定。They struggled for peace.他们为和平而战。War and peace are mutually exclusive. 战争与和平是互不相容的。The agreement forms part of our efforts to bring peace to the region.这份协议是我们为促进该地区的和平所作努力的一部分。Peaceful direct action by pressure groups has a powerful effect on public opinion.压力集团和平的直接行动对舆论具有很大的影响。We're hoping these talks could be a preface to peace.我们希望这些会谈能拉开和平的序幕。After so many years of war, there was a great desire for peace.经历了那么多年的战争,人们非常渴望和平Peace brought no solution to the economic problems that pivoted on overseas trade.和平没有为依赖海外贸易的经济问题带来解决办法。It could threaten the peace and stability of the region.这可能威胁到该地区的和平与稳定。He could have achieved his ends by peaceful means.他本来可以通过和平的手段来达到他的目的。The move represented a departure from the government's commitment to finding a peaceful solution to the crisis.这一行动与政府为此次危机寻求和平解决办法的承诺不一致。They claim that signature of the peace accord did not imply recognition of the state's sovereignty.他们声称和平协定的签署并不代表对该国国家主权的承认。The invasion was all the more remarkable in antithesis with the peaceful statement made a few days previous to the attack.与进攻发起前数日发表的和平声明相对照,入侵格外令人瞠目。The demonstration ended peacefully.这次示威以和平的方式结束。The latest violence has smothered any remaining hopes for an early peace agreement.最新的暴力事件扼杀了及早缔结和平协定的仅存希望。To the end of her life, she was a tireless campaigner for peace.她为和平不知疲倦地奔走呼吁,直到生命的最后时刻。He didn't look himself when I saw him yesterday.昨天我见到他时,他看起来和平常不太一样。The vine is an age-old symbol of peace and prosperity.葡萄藤是个由来已久的象征和平与繁荣的标志。They want peace as much as we do.他们同我们一样希望和平We intend to maintain a presence in the country until there is peace.我们打算维持在该国的驻军,直到和平局势出现。Peace was restored during the regency.摄政时期恢复了和平Only the achievement of these goals will bring lasting peace.只有达成这些目标才会带来持久的和平To round off National Peace Week, a concert was organized in the park.在公园里组织了一场音乐会来圆满结束全国和平周活动。The dove is a symbol of peace.鸽子是和平的象征。The course of peace was directly affected by the twists and turns on the international scene.和平的进程直接受到国际舞台上风云变化的影响。Peace finally came, but a great deal of blood was lost in the process.和平终于到来,但是在和平的进程中有许多人流血牺牲。The United Nations brokered peace in Mogadishu.联合国作为中间人促成了摩加迪沙地区的和平局面。Hundreds of activists were marching for peace and disarmament.数百名积极分子游行示威,呼吁和平与裁军。Saturday's incident illustrates the fragility of the peace in the country.星期六的事件显示了该国和平的脆弱性。Pericles foresaw that peace would lead to unemployment, and among his remedies was a public building programme.伯利克里预见和平将导致失业,他的补救措施中其中一项就是公共建筑项目。The museum houses his epic work War and Peace.博物馆藏有他的长篇巨著《战争与和平》。We are in general in our desire for peace.在期望和平方面我们基本一致。They say they want peace, but actions speak louder than words.他们说自己希望和平,但是行动胜于言辞。We are all desirous of peace.我们都渴望和平The peace issue remains uppermost.和平问题仍然是最主要的问题。Peace is a distant hope in this war-torn region.在这个饱受战争蹂躏的地区,和平是遥不可及的梦想。They are in there fighting for peace.他们坚持不懈地为和平斗争。The path to peace seems at last to be clear, although it may be a long and tortuous one.通向和平的路径好像终于清晰起来,虽然它可能是一条漫长而曲折的道路。The transfer of power was effected swiftly and peacefully.权力迅速而和平地移交了。




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