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That's quite enough! I don't want any more rude remarks from you two.行了!我不想再听见你们两个说粗话。She had noticed a definite twinkle in his eye at the suggestion.她注意到,他一听见这个提议,眼睛明显亮了起来。She heard a faint hiss as the metal struck the water.金属碰到水时她听见轻微的咝咝声。I thought I heard him leave.我想我听见他离开了。It was deeply reassuring to hear his voice.听见他的声音真让人放心。I heard something smash. What broke?我听见东西打碎的声音。什么碎了?I heard a loud crash in the kitchen.我听见厨房里哗啦一声巨响。At that moment there was a squeal of brakes and the angry blowing of a car horn.当时就听见刺耳的刹车声和愤怒的汽车喇叭声。He almost had to shout to make himself heard above the music.为了压过音乐声,他几乎得大声喊才能让人听见。Then I hear the pickup coming back.然后我听见那辆皮卡开了回来。Keep your voice down, we don't want the whole street to hear us!小声点儿,我们不想叫整条街都听见!I could hear her sobs from the next room.我听见隔壁传来她的抽泣声。I heard a gentle knock at the door.我听见轻轻的敲门声。We heard the calling of the bells to prayer.我们听见了召唤祈祷的钟声。I heard her heels clacking down the hall.我听见她走过大厅时鞋跟咔咔响。Sorry to barge in, but I couldn't help overhearing what you were saying.对不起打断一下,我刚才碰巧听见了你们的谈话。We could hear thunder rumbling in the distance.我们听见远处雷声隆隆。She was startled to hear voices coming from upstairs.她听见楼上传来说话声,吓了一跳。He called for help, but no one could hear.他大声呼救,可是没人听见。There was no sound but the popple of water against the bow.万籁俱寂,只听见水波拍打着船首。I heard a loud bang.我听见一声巨响。Did you hear a call in the woods?你听见树林里有呼喊声吗?I heard the horse whinnying.我听见马在轻声嘶鸣。All around he could hear people calling out his name.他听见人们在四周喊着他的名字。We heard a fountain burbling nearby.我们听见附近的喷泉潺潺作响。Just hearing his name made her blood run cold.单单听见他的名字就使她胆战心惊。I heard a squash when I dropped the bag.当我把手提包放下时,我听见啪的一声。I've never heard her criticize you - I think you imagine it.我从来没有听见她批评过你——我想你在胡思乱想。I heard her fetching a deep sigh.我听见她发出一声长叹。We could hear the sergeant bellowing orders to his troops.我们可以听见中士正向他的士兵大声发布命令。I heard the back door of the house open, and saw the gleam of a lantern.我听见屋子的后门开了,接着看到了灯笼的亮光。I cupped my hand over the mouthpiece of the phone so they couldn't hear me.我用手捂住电话话筒,免得他们听见我的话。If you hear an alarm, leave the building immediately.要是听见警报,马上离开大楼。He heard nothing but the echoes of his own voice.他只听见了自己的回音。I hear what you say, but I don't think we should rush this decision.我听见你说的了,但我认为我们不该草率作出决定。When we heard the night watchman, we hightailed it out of there as quick as we could.听见巡夜人来了,我们尽快离开了那里。She heard him murmur something under his breath.她听见他低声咕哝了几句。She was staring out of the window and didn't hear the teacher.她眼睛看着窗外,没有听见老师说话。The rabbits scattered when they heard our footsteps.兔子一听见我们的脚步声便四散逃开。I'd gone about ten paces, when I heard a strange sound behind me.我走了大约十步时,听见后面有个奇怪的声音。 |