例句 |
Be careful that the embers don't reignite.小心,别让余烬复燃。The embers of the fire were still incandescent even though the flames had disappeared.尽管火焰已灭,余烬仍然炽热。She stared at the burning embers for a long time.她久久凝望着那燃烧的余火。He stirred the sleeping embers into a cheerful blaze.他拨动渐歇的余火,使它升起欢快的火焰。Pour more water on the embers in case they rekindle.多倒些水在余烬上,以防死灰复燃。Burning embers started dropping from the ceiling.余火未尽的木块开始从天花板上往下掉。Dying embers gave out a dim glow in the hearth.壁炉中即将烧尽的余火微微发着光。His eyes were fixed on the red embers of the fire.他的眼睛盯著红色的余火。He sat staring at the embers in the fireplace.他坐在那儿,凝视着壁炉里的余烬。 |