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词汇 可信
例句 Although his argument is appealing, it doesn't really hold up.尽管他的论点很吸引人,但不大可信Her story is completely credible - she doesn't usually exaggerate.她的话绝对可信。她一般不夸大其词。He's made the characters believable.他让个个角色都逼真可信Lies by their nature have a ring of truth - otherwise, people wouldn't believe them.谎言本身自有其可信之处,要不然也没有人会相信了。Robbery is one possible motive for the murder.抢劫是这起谋杀案的一个合理可信的动机。Follow the tried and trusted methods that have stood the test of time.遵照这种经过时间考验已被证实可信的方法。There's a large element of truth in what she says.她所讲的大部分可信I thought most of the characters in the play were totally unbelievable.我发现该剧中的大多数角色都完全不可信He was unable to give a credible explanation for his behaviour.他无法对自己的行为作出可信的解释。That scenario is entirely believable.那样的设想完全是可信的。We found no credible evidence to support this allegation.我们找不到任何可信的证据支持这一指控。A more credible explanation now occurred to her.现在她想到了一个更可信的解释。Hardly anything they put on the news programs these days is believable.现今的新闻节目中很少有可信的东西。We need more reliable information before we can take action.我们需要更加可信的情报才能采取行动。The director creates a believable, gritty reality.导演营造出一个残酷而可信的现实世界。I have it on good authority that the company will be relocating.可信人士向我透露公司将迁新址。Baroness Thatcher's claims seem credible to many.撒切尔女男爵的主张在很多人看来是可信的。A plausible explanation would seem to be that people are fed up with the Conservative government.一个看似可信的解释似乎是,人们对保守党政府感到厌倦了。Many of Vasari's ruminations on the subject are not always to be believed.瓦萨里关于这个学科的很多想法并不总是可信的。That sounds a pretty unlikely story to me!那番话我觉得不大可信Good friends are the best resort in trouble.好朋友是患难之际最可信的依靠。A growing amount of evidence lends weight/credence/credibility to their theory. 不断增多的证据使他们的理论越来越有分量/可信/可靠。A reliable measure of progress is whether your children can do something they couldn't do before.衡量孩子是否有进步的一个可信标准是看他们能否做以前不会做的事情。The complaint would be more credible if he could remember more specific details.如果他能记起更多细节的话,这次投诉就会更可信了。Details make your story more convincing.细节描写会让你的故事更可信He had a solid alibi.他有切实可信的不在场证据。I still find this story both fascinating and unbelievable.我仍觉得这个故事既有趣又不太可信Make sure whoever you go climbing with is a safe and trustworthy partner.一定要确保登山的伙伴是个稳健、可信的人。These findings seem plausible. Furthermore, several studies have confirmed them.这些发现似乎是可信的,而且,它们已经得到几项研究的证实。I need to think of a plausible excuse for not going to the meeting.我不去开会得想个可信的借口。Although most of the book is believable, its ending tests/strains credulity. 这本书大部分内容是可信的,但结尾部分令人难以信服。The new evidence lends credibility to their theory.这个新证据使他们的理论更为可信Predictions of economic recovery have now lost all credibility.经济复苏的预言现在已完全不可信Their story seemed credible at first.他们的说法刚开始似乎是可信的。This mushroom looks harmless enough, but appearances can be deceptive and it is in fact very poisonous.这种蘑菇看上去无害,但是外表不一定可信,其实它毒性很大。His re-creation of the city is credible, with a substratum of fact to bolster the fiction.他对该城的再现是可信的,虚构之下有着史实作为支撑。He gave an improbable explanation as to why he was late.他为他的迟到做出了一个未必可信的解释。His recreation of the city is credible, with a substratum of fact to bolster the fiction.他对该城历史的再现是可信的,虚构的小说情节隐念着一些事实作为支撑。




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