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Its physical properties are relatively insensitive to pressure changes.其物理性质对于压力的变化反应比较迟钝。A baby is sensitive to the slightest nuances in its mother's voice.婴儿对母亲声音上最细小的变化都很敏感。Fashions change all the time.时尚总是在变化。I was shocked at the change in his appearance.我很惊异于他外表的变化。The variation is not statistically significant.从统计学的意义上看,这一变化并不显著。There is a marked change of tone in the second half of the book.这本书后一半的基调有明显的变化。Sensors detect movement or changes in temperature.传感器能探测到位移或温度的变化。People who've left the town and then returned notice the changes most, sometimes with regret.那些离开城镇然后又回去的人最容易注意到所发生的变化,有时会感到遗憾。That adds a slight twist to this battle.那使这场战斗产生了轻微的变化。Schools must be alive to technological change.学校必须意识到技术的变化。They believed that changes in national politics would release new forces in their favour.他们相信国内政局的变化会导致有利于他们的新的力量的崛起。Can you pin down when the change occurred?你能确定何时发生了变化吗?The most obvious force for change in industry is technical advance.对工业变化最显著的影响力是技术的进步。These changes may improve profits now, but they are going to cost us money in the long term. 这些变化目前可能会提高利润,但从长远看,则会让我们付出金钱的代价。Whether they will accept the changes remains an open question.他们是否会接受这些变化仍是个悬而未决的问题。With this change, high-income people will get a tax break.随着这一变化,高收入人士将能获得减税机会。Going to college brought about a dramatic transformation in her outlook.上大学使她的观念发生了巨大的变化。The various changes have jeopardized safety at the airport.各种变化已经危害到机场的安全。It's difficult to calculate what effect all these changes will have on the company.很难估计所有这些变化将会给公司带来什么样的影响。She's always complaining that her job doesn't have enough variety.她总抱怨她的工作没有足够多的变化。They seem to change with bewildering speed.他们似乎在以让人头晕目眩的速度变化。The terrain varies as you climb higher.你越往高处攀爬,地形也随之产生变化。This dictionary has faithfully reflected changes in a living language.这部词典如实地反映了活语言的变化。It's funny how fast things change.事情变化之快总是出人意料。The picture has changed a lot in the last couple of weeks.在最近两周内,情况发生了很大的变化。The mechanics of the job, however, have changed little since then.不过,工作流程从那以后就几乎没有任何变化。Cities themselves are changing rapidly.城市自身在日新月异地变化。We have seen massive changes in recent years.这几年我们经历了巨大的变化。The air is sampled continuously to measure changes in air pollution.会对空气持续地进行抽样检验,以检测空气污染的变化。The resulting change in tone caused the BBC to stop broadcasting those bongs.随之导致的音质上的变化使英国广播公司不再播放那些嘡嘡的钟声。An even bigger change came the next year.第二年的变化更大。The changes to borders were officially announced in the European Parliament.边界变化在欧洲议会上正式宣布。Her plans were discombobulated by the turn of events.由于事态的变化她的计划被打乱了。Such techniques could result in disastrous ecological changes.这样一些技术可能导致灾难性生态变化。She realizes how much things have changed.她意识到情况已经发生了很大的变化。Other changes include more tolerant attitudes to unmarried couples having children.其他变化包括对未婚伴侣生育更为宽容。You shouldn't be afraid of change. Change is a natural part of life.你不应该害怕变化。变化本来就是生活的一部分。He knew about the change two weeks in advance. 他提前两个星期就知道了这个变化。These changes will be advantageous to you. 这些变化会对你有利。Many fans take a dim view of recent changes in the team.许多球迷对球队最近发生的变化并不看好。 |