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词汇 call of
例句 The time he put in helping new recruits went beyond the call of duty.他在帮助新雇员方面投入的时间超出了他的职责要求。The worker's deed was beyond the call of duty.这位工人的行为超越了职责的要求。Her address book reads like a roll call of top Hollywood stars.她的通讯录读起来好像是好莱坞大牌明星的名单。To the trained ear the calls of these birds sound quite different.对于受过训练的耳朵而言,这些鸟的叫声十分不同。The policy is supported by an impressive roll call of scientists.这项政策得到了众多科学家的联名支持。I'm afraid I have to answer a call of nature.抱歉我要去趟洗手间。She can reproduce the call of over twenty birds.她能模仿二十多种鸟叫的声音。He went above and beyond the call of duty. 他所做的远远超出了他的职责The call of this bird is very loud.这鸟的鸣声很响。You learn to recognize the calls of different birds.你学着去识别不同鸟类的鸣叫。Rescue teams had worked above and beyond the call of duty during the hurricane.飓风期间,救援队所做的远远超越了其职责的要求。In helping them, he went beyond the call of duty. 他对他们的帮助远远超出了他的职责范围。He was at the beck and call of powerful interest groups and was always willing to do their bidding.他听命于强大的利益集团,总是愿意按他们的吩咐做事。She is at the beck and call of the committee.她随时听候委员会差遣。She went beyond the call of duty. 她超额完成了任务。I felt the call of nature and so I stumbled down the external staircase to the evil-smelling loo.我感到内急,于是就踉踉跄跄地从外面的楼梯跑到臭气熏天的厕所。You must be feeling exhilarated by the call of the new.新鲜事物的魅力一定让你兴奋不已。All his life he felt the call of the sea.他一生都感到大海的召唤。The government has resisted the calls of the international community.政府拒绝了国际社会的要求。She can imitate the calls of many different birds.她能模仿很多不同的鸟鸣声。I heard the raucous call of the crows.我听到那些乌鸦刺耳的叫声。The committee met at the call of the chairman.委员会应主席的召集而开会。He had to leave suddenly to answer/obey the call of nature.他只得匆匆离开去解决一下内急。Unable to resist the siren call of the cards, he withdrew their savings and headed for Las Vegas.他无法抵挡赌牌的诱惑,便提取了他们的存款前往拉斯韦加斯。He heard the call of the wild. 他听到了原野的召唤。I responded to the siren call of the road and left home to drive across the country.我听从来自道路的呼唤,驱车离家驶往乡村。




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