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词汇 发红
例句 The soil has a red tint.土壤颜色发红The rims of her eyes went pink as tears seized her eyes.她热泪盈眶,眼圈发红His face was red from windburn.他的脸皴了,因而发红The pan handle is red-hot, so don't touch it.煎锅柄烫得发红,所以别去碰它。Once the paint is dry, apply a coat of the red ochre emulsion paint.油漆干了后,涂一层发红的土黄色乳胶漆。Only occasionally did the telltale redness around his eyes betray the fatigue he was suffering.只有从他发红的眼圈上偶尔能看出他非常疲惫。Redness, swelling, and painful itching signal an infection.发红、肿胀、又疼又痒说明有感染。Emma's eyes went red and watery.埃玛双眼发红,泪水盈盈。Cold turned their ears pink.他们的耳朵冻得发红了。The barbecue won't be ready until the flames have died down and the charcoal is glowing.要到火焰减弱、木炭发红才能开始烧烤野餐。Red sky at night means fair weather.夜里天空发红意味着晴天。Have you been in the sun? Your nose is a bit pink.你晒太阳了吗?你的鼻子有点儿发红Plica Syndrome occurs when the plica becomes irritated or inflamed.当皱襞变得发红或发炎时,就出现了皱襞综合症。Her face was red with windburn.她的脸因患风吹性皮肤伤而发红Red hot coals glowed in the grate.炽热发红的煤块在壁炉里燃烧。Nicky's got reddish-blond hair.尼基的头发是微微发红的亚麻色。Her cheeks glowed as she danced.她跳舞跳得双颊发红The symptoms of rosacea like redness, facial flushing, and facial burning can come and go intermittently.酒渣鼻的症状如皮肤和面部发红、发热等会时不时地出现。She described the color as a kind of red.她说那颜色有点发红Her eyes were red with recent sobbing.她的眼睛因刚哭过而发红The telltale redness around his eyes betrayed the fatigue he was suffering.他双眼发红,一看就知道他很累。She blushed at the double entendre.她听了那句双关语脸直发红He made his excuses, flushing guiltily.他找了个借口,脸由于内疚而发红The leaves looked slightly red.叶子看起来有些发红The blue eyes were reddened and sullen with weeping.一对碧眼哭得发红,没了光辉。The pollen irritated my eyes, which were red and streaming with tears.花粉使我的双眼发痛、发红,泪流不止。Once the charcoal is glowing, place the food on the grill.木炭烧得发红后,将食物放到烧烤架上。The promise in his voice brought a deep flush to her cheeks.听他话中的许诺之意让她不由得双颊发红The icy water chapped their hands.彻骨的冷水把他们的手冻得发红




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