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词汇 the accused
例句 The judge reversed his opinion and declared that the accused was not guilty.法官撤回了他的意见并宣布被告无罪。Those present at the trial said that the accused looked cheerful.出席庭审的人说被告看上去挺高兴的。They relied on witnesses to establish alibis for the accused.他们依靠目击者来证明被告不在犯罪现场。According to the sixth amendment, the accused has the right to a fair and public trial.根据第六条修正案,被告有权得到公正、公开的审判。The jury held the fate of the accused in their hands.陪审团掌握着被告的命运。A young lawyer was appointed to represent the accused man.一位年轻律师受委派为被告人辩护。From the evidence given, it follows that the accused is guilty.现有证据证明被告有罪。He agreed to testify on behalf of the accused man.他同意为被告作证。Barristers battle, witnesses lie, and the accused plays possum.律师口舌相争,证人漫天撒谎,被告则揣着明白装糊涂。The witness deposed that she had seen the accused on the day of the murder.证人宣誓证明在谋杀案发生当天她看见过被告。Exhibit number two is a diary belonging to the accused.二号物证是被告的一本日记。Respecting the fact that the accused was a minor, the charges were dropped.鉴于被告尚未成年这一事实,免于起诉。In her defence, the accused said that she had been acting under duress when she took the money.被告在辩护词中说,她拿钱的举动是在威逼之下做出的。The court doomed the accused to a long term of imprisonment.法庭判处被告长期监禁。The judges permitted him to join the defence of the accused man.法官准许他参加为被告辩护。At the recommendation of a psychiatrist, the accused will remain under observation.在精神科医生的建议下,被告将继续接受观察。A preponderance of the evidence shows that the accused is guilty.多数证据表明被告有罪。He testified against the accused.他作了不利于被告的证词。The witness told the court that she had never seen either of the accused before.证人在法庭上说她以前从未见过两个被告。She produced a letter from the accused as evidence.她出示了一封从被告那里拿到的信作为证据。Even the victim's family made a plea for leniency on behalf of the accused.连受害者家属都为被告求情。The court must establish whether the accused acted illegally.法庭必须证实被告是否非法行事。All the accused can now do is throw himself upon the mercy of the court.被告现在能做的只有听凭法院发落了。The jury found for the accused.陪审团做出有利于被告的裁决。The public has taken the accused woman's part because of her young age.公众都站在这个被控告的女人这边,因为她还年轻。The judge asked the jury if they found the accused guilty or not guilty.法官问陪审团被告是否有罪。Several people witnessed against the accused.几个人作了不利于被告的证明。The jury concluded, from the evidence, that the accused man was not guilty.陪审团根据证据断定被告无罪。This fact will tell strongly against the accused.这个事实对被告将非常不利。There is a lot of sympathy for the accused woman on the part of the public. 公众对这个被控告的女人深表同情。The verdict cleared the accused man.裁决宣告被告无罪。The weight of evidence is against the accused.大部分证据对被告不利。The burden of proof falls on the prosecution: the accused is presumed innocent until proved guilty.举证责任在控方:除非被证实有罪,否则就假定被告无罪。The witness stared at the accused but she showed not a flicker of recognition.证人盯着被告,但她完全认不出来。The old judge doesn't like the thought of no one going in to bat for the accused.老法官不希望没有人为被告辩护。The witness deposed that he had seen the accused on the day of the murder.证人宣誓证明在谋杀案发生那天他曾看见被告。New evidence proved that the accused couldn't have been at the scene of the crime.新的证据证明被告不可能在案发现场。She protested that she had never seen the accused man before.她申明说她以前从未见过这个被指控的男子。Passing judgment on the accused, he said it was the worst crime of its kind he had ever heard of.在对被告作出判决时,他说这是他所听说过的同类罪行中最为恶劣的一起。The defense of the accused was rather weak.被告人的辩护软弱无力。




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