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例句 They'll have to knock down these houses when they build the new road.他们要修建这条新马路就得拆除这些房子。I leafed through the travel brochure.我翻看了旅游指南。The reporter threw the actress a curve when he asked about her past drug use.那位记者突然问起女演员她过去吸毒的经历,让她措手不及,不知如何回答是好。I find it unbelievable that Mr. Carey does not remember the meeting at all.凯里先生居然把开会的事忘得一干二净,我觉得难以相信。Stir the soup for a few seconds.将汤搅和几秒钟。Two men came rushing into the room.两名男子冲进房间。Take a whack at the homework, then ask for help if you need it.试试做一下作业,需要的时候请人帮忙。The strikes forced the government to make major concessions.罢工迫使政府作出了巨大让步。His eyes wandered restlessly around the room.他的眼睛不安分地转来转去,打量着房间。Many ships in the navy's fleet were put in mothballs after the war.战后,很多海军军舰被封存起来。A posse has been out after the man who broke jail.已出动了一队警察,追捕那个越狱逃跑的人。Hundreds of gallons of oil leaked into the river.数百加仑石油漏入河里。Why shouldn't disabled people be given the chance to compete in the Games?为什么残障人士就不能获得参加运动会的机会?At the family reunion, I saw relatives I haven't seen in years.在家庭聚会上,我见到了多年未见的亲戚。Set the meter at zero.把计量表调到零。He stopped and listened before opening the door.开门前他停下来听了一下。Better health education should help to decrease the incidence of heart disease.良好的健康教育会有助于减少心脏病的发病率。Before the film, I bought some popcorn and a drink at the snack bar.电影开演前,我在小吃店买了些爆米花和饮料。A close friend who is a nudist, convinced Michelle to visit the community with him.一位裸体主义者密友说服米歇尔和他一起去探访这个团体。He believes that the government should decriminalize the use of marijuana.他认为政府应当修改法令,使大麻的使用合法化。The Indians, in turn, were charmed by the famous author's cultured and civilised outlook.而印第安人呢,则为那位著名作家有教养的、开化的见解而折服。The dog soused itself in the pond.狗把自己浸入水塘里。He could feel his frustration and rage rising to the surface.他可以感觉到自己的沮丧和愤怒正在显露出来。The girl's seduction is an important part of the story.姑娘被诱奸是小说中的一个主要内容。The board of directors is leaning in favour of supporting the merger.董事会倾向于支持合并。I directed my question to the chairman.我向主席提出了问题。We could hear the low whistle of the wind through the trees.我们能听见微风吹过树林的沙沙声。Don't let the dog get into the flowerbed.不要让狗进入花坛。I covered the trial for our paper.我替我们的报纸采访那次审判。What blew the fuse?什么东西把保险丝烧断了?Are you sure this is the best way of doing it?你肯定这是做这事的最佳方法吗?Advances in technology have made these cameras affordable to the mass market.技术的发展使这些相机变得便宜,大众能够买得起了。Three hours before the game and it was teeming.开赛三个小时前大雨如注。He noted a lack of participation by the people who would benefit the most.他注意到原本应受益最多的人群反而不怎么参与。These machines are constantly updated by improving the design of the computers.通过改善计算机的设计,这些机器不断得到更新。He personally directed the nation's foreign policy.他亲自掌管该国的外交政策。Organizations are pulling out of the country due to threats of civil war.内战在即,各个组织正撤离那个国家。Be sure to allow adequate time for the paint to dry.务必留出足够时间等漆变干。He doesn't have the discipline to stay on his diet.他没有坚持节食的自律能力。She has slogged her way through ballet classes since the age of six.她从六岁开始就一直苦学芭蕾。




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