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词汇 that way
例句 I'm afraid I incline that way.恐怕我更中意于那种方法。It's a real bind having to go all that way by train.一路都要乘火车,真烦人。Business is good, and we are doing everything we can to keep it that way.生意很不错,我们正竭尽全力把这种态势保持下去。If you carry on in that way, you'll get the school a bad name.如果你仍然那样胡闹下去的话,你就会败坏学校的声誉。Well, you see, you shouldn't really feel that way about it.好了,知道吗,对那件事你真的不应该那么想。You shouldn't talk to your mother that way.你不应该和你母亲那样说话。She got over him in that way.她用那种方法骗了他。It is disgraceful of him to act in that way.他那么做是不光彩的。It is not proper to speak that way.那样说话是不对的。The brothers aren't that way minded.兄弟几个不是那么想的。Only a lout would treat a woman that way.只有粗野的人才会那样对待女人。I can see why/how you would feel that way.我能理解你为什么/怎么会有那样的感受。It really peeves me that he chose to behave in that way.他定要那么干真使我生气。It doesn't do to be too modest. You can pass a lot of business up that way.态度羞怯是不行的,这样你会失去许多生意的。I try to buy furniture at auctions because it is cheaper that way.我尽量在拍卖会上买家具,因为那样较便宜。You didn't come all that way just to see me, did you?你不会大老远地跑来就是为了看我,对不对?I always said I will never call him silly or stupid because if you call them that they'll feel that way.我过去总是说我永远都不会叫他傻子或者笨蛋,因为如果你这么叫别人的话,他们也会这样认为的。Mary hung the picture off centre, because it was more interesting that way.玛丽没有把画挂在正中,因为稍偏一点显得更有情趣。Try backing the car in-it's easier that way.试着倒车进去 - 这样容易些。They shouldn't treat him that way. He deserves better.他们不该那样待他。他应该得到更好的待遇。People are dying of hunger, and it doesn't have to be that way. 人们即将死于饥饿,这种情况并非不可改变。The bear went that way - you can see its tracks in the snow.熊朝那方向走了—你可以在雪地上看到它的足迹。I refuse to act that way when my kids fight.我的孩子们打起来时,我是不会那么做的。By acting in that way you have queered my pitch.你那样做是坏了我的事。Grill the fish instead of frying it. It's less fattening that way.把鱼烤来吃,不要油炸。那样就不容易发胖。You can't go in that way, they've bricked up the entrance.你不能走那条路,他们用砖把入口堵住了。The world of work doesn't operate that way.职场上可不是那样的。It was foolish to endanger your life in that way.用那种方式危及你的生命是愚蠢的。If that way is east, then this way is west.如果那边是东,那么这边就是西。I'll try going this way, and you try going that way.我试着走这条路,你试着走那条。I don't know if I would qualify it that way.我不知道能否那样描述它。It was once done that way.以前曾经那样做过。Is he really that dumb or is he acting that way on purpose?他真是那么傻乎乎,还是有意装成那个样子?Don't do it that way. Do it this way.别那么做,要这么做I don't know what gave her the notion that she could treat people that way.我不知道是什么让她觉得她可以那样对待别人。I couldn't remember the magazine extending itself that way in the past.我不记得这杂志从前曾那样哗众取宠。You have no justification for criticizing him in that way.你没有理由那样批评他。You will never achieve anything if you spend your time that way.你若总是这样消磨时间,就永远不会有所成就。Everyone has felt that way at some time or other in their lives.每一个人在他们生命中的某个时候都会有那样的感受。Talking that way, he'll never make it with the committee.他那样说话委员会决不会接受的。




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