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词汇 发火
例句 She fires up at the least thing.她常为了一点小事而发火He gets angry if anyone challenges his religious/political beliefs.如果有人质疑他的宗教/政治信仰,他就会发火The senator bridled at the reporter's question.参议员听了记者的问题发火了。Take the trash out before your father flips.在你父亲发火前快把垃圾拿出去。He's extremely irritable - he flies off the handle at the slightest thing.他极容易发火——芝麻大的小事都能让他大发雷霆。If you don't stop making that noise now, I'll be out of patience with you!你要是再不停止吵闹,我可要发火了! You were a bit narky with me.你有点儿爱冲我发火When the teacher became angry at her, she dropped her eyes/head. 老师对她发火时,她垂下了眼睛/低下了头。Then Nel lost her temper and there was an extremely unpleasant scene in Kenwood's office.后来内尔发火了,肯伍德的办公室里场面令人非常难堪。She loses her temper at the drop of a hat.她动不动就发火She dared the anger of her father.她不怕惹她父亲发火The anxiety of the separation often expresses itself as anger towards the child for getting lost.离散带来的焦虑常常体现为对走失的孩子发火Since Steve quit smoking, he's been really irritable.史蒂夫戒烟之后动不动就发火Sam became quite frightening when he was in a rage.萨姆发火的时候很吓人。Don't shoot the messenger – I'm just telling you what I heard!别冲我发火,我只是把我听到的告诉你而已!Dad's on the war path – you'd better make yourself scarce.爸爸正在发火,你最好走开。He vented his anger on his wife.他向他的妻子发火The motorbike engine chugged twice and caught.摩托车的引擎嚓嘎嚓嘎地响了两次就发火起动了。I daren't tell him - he'll be so angry.我不敢告诉他——他会发火的。I lost my temper with her the other day and it's been preying on my mind ever since.前几天我对她发火了,从那以后这件事一直让我惴惴不安。He lost his temper and snapped irritably at the children.发火了,暴躁地斥责孩子们。I warned him not to get the boss's Dutch up.我警告他不要惹老板发火She's the sort of boss who gets really stroppy if things aren't done her way.她是那种老板,别人要是不照她的意思去做,她就会发火Elizabeth immediately flew into a rage - her automatic response to any kind of criticism.伊丽莎白立刻发火—这是她对任何批评的自然反应。His attitude tended to rub her.他的态度往往惹她发火Oh, don't get so angry. I was just/only teasing!噢,别发火。我只是在逗你玩儿!I've got to be on time or Sarah will go up the wall.我一定得准时,否则萨拉要发火的。Finally Glen could suppress his anger no longer and he lashed out at his mother.格伦终于压不住怒气,对他母亲发火了。Please don't be mad with me!请不要对我发火I am not brave enough to dare her anger.我没有足够的胆量去惹她发火They may feel tired and though outwardly calm, can be irritable.他们或许会感到疲惫,虽然外表看似没事,但可能很容易发火He wasn't irritable or snappy or anything, just slightly perplexed.他并不是爱发火或爱起急什么的,他只是有点困惑。His everlasting deliberation used to infuriate his wife.他那老是慢吞吞的样子常惹得他妻子发火He lost his temper when he saw the room was in such a mess.当他看到房间里一团糟时,他发火了。I only asked if I could help - there's no need to bite my head off!我只是问了一下我能否帮上忙——没必要无缘无故地对我发火His anger was mostly directed towards / toward Peter.发火主要是冲彼得去的。She would then feel guilt for her anger and compensate by doing even more for the children.之后她会因为自己发火而感到愧疚,会替孩子们做更多的事作为补偿。She knows how to ruffle his feathers.她知道怎样去惹他发火He was starting to get pretty hot about the delays.针对这些延误他开始发火了。Diana was determined not to lose her temper with him.黛安娜决意不对他发火




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