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词汇 Geneva
例句 The Geneva Conference may not be reconvened within this period.日内瓦会议在这段时间内可能不会再召开。They're going away to Geneva or somewhere.他们即将去日内瓦或别的什么地方了。Flo and I decided to board a train for Geneva.我和芙洛决定登上开往日内瓦的火车。Representatives from the world's leading industrial nations will meet in Geneva.来自世界上各主要工业国的代表将在日内瓦举行会议。Some of the world's leading politicians will be meeting in Geneva to discuss disarmament.世界上一些最有影响力的政治家将在日内瓦讨论裁军问题。The Geneva conference ran into heavy weather.日内瓦会议遇上了障碍。Geneva has been the stage for many such conferences.日内瓦已成为众多此类会议的举办地点。Most European countries have signed up to the Geneva Convention.大多数欧洲国家都签署了《日内瓦公约》。Oil markets oscillated on the day's reports from Geneva.石油市场因当天来自日内瓦的传言而出现了振荡。Many want to abandon the multilateral trade talks in Geneva.很多国家想退出在日内瓦举行的多边贸易会谈。The President stopped off briefly in London on his way to Geneva.总统去日内瓦途中曾在伦敦作短暂停留。The peace talks are being held in Geneva.和平谈判正在日内瓦举行。The mosaics were sent to Munich, and thence to Geneva.这些镶嵌画被送到慕尼黑,再从那里送到日内瓦。He said the bombing was in complete disregard of the Geneva Convention.他说此次轰炸完全无视《日内瓦公约》。You could drive across France, or else fly to Geneva and hire a car.你可以开车穿越法国,不然就坐飞机去日内瓦,然后租辆汽车。She worked in Geneva as a translator.她在日内瓦当翻译员。When do you expect the Geneva conference will convene?你预计日内瓦会议将在何时召开? Henri Leconte has been knocked out in the quarter-finals of the Geneva Open.亨利·勒孔特在日内瓦公开赛四分之一决赛中被淘汰。A series of international meetings held over the last ten weeks will culminate in the Geneva meeting.过去十周内举行的一系列国际会议将于这次日内瓦会议达到高潮。Ford's new range of cars is being kept firmly under wraps until the Geneva auto show.福特的新款汽车严格保密,直到日内瓦汽车展时才露面。The border dispute has threatened to throw next week's OPEC meeting in Geneva into confusion.边境纠纷很可能会使下周将在日内瓦举行的石油输出国组织会议陷入混乱。Even as we speak, a ceasefire agreement is being signed in Geneva.就在我们谈话的时候,一项停火协议在日内瓦签署了。Discussions were formally opened in Geneva today on the question of international disarmament.关于国际裁军问题的讨论今日在日内瓦正式开始。Anti-globalization protesters clashed with police on the streets of Geneva today.反对全球化的抗议者今天在日内瓦的大街上与警察发生了冲突。He asked her to book him on the next available flight to Geneva.他叫她帮他预订飞往日内瓦的下一个航班。GM's solar-powered car was unveiled at last month's Geneva auto show.通用汽车公司的太阳能汽车在上月的日内瓦车展上首次展出。Poison gas was used, in flagrant disregard of the Geneva Convention.他们公然违反《日内瓦公约》,使用了毒气。The Vietnamese foreign minister had a series of off-the-record meetings with his French counterpart in Geneva.越南外长和法国外长在日内瓦举行了一系列非正式会议。The issue of an arms embargo will be at the crux of the negotiations in Geneva.武器禁运将是日内瓦谈判的核心议题。We decided spontaneously to board a train for Geneva.我们自行决定搭乘去日内瓦的火车。The negotiations in Geneva have set the scene for a possible agreement later in the year.日内瓦谈判已为今年稍后时候可能会达成的协议提供了条件。Japan has refused to send a representative to the talks in Geneva.日本拒绝派代表参加日内瓦会谈。World leaders are meeting in Geneva today to consider the peace plan.大国首脑今天在日内瓦会晤,讨论和平计划。There will be a fifth daily flight to Geneva at weekends.每日飞日内瓦的航班在周末将增至五次。




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