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词汇 genius
例句 He was a creative genius.他是一位很有创造力的天才。Chaplin's comic genius is preserved on celluloid.卓别林的喜剧天才在电影里被保存了下来。Shakespeare's plays remain as monuments to his genius.莎士比亚的戏剧是他天才的不朽著作。He was a genius at handling the press.他可是跟记者打交道的高手。She was accounted a genius by all who knew her work.所有知道她作品的人都认为她是个天才。She was a mathematical genius.她是个数学天才。He's a genius at home decoration.在居家装饰方面,他是个天才。It was a stroke of genius on my part to avoid such awkward questions.我灵机一动回避了这些尴尬的问题。I have never used the word genius of anyone else.我从未把天才这个字眼用在任何其他人身上。Maurice was always entertaining, but there was a touch of genius in the way he talked that night.莫里斯总是让人感到快乐,可那天晚上他说的话里则显示出了几分天才。My brother's a computer genius but he's useless at everything else.我弟弟是个电脑天才,但除此之外他一无是处。Einstein was a (mathematical) genius.爱因斯坦是个(数学)天才。Wynford was an architect of genius.温福德是一名天才建筑师。His work bears the unmistakable stamp of genius.他的作品清楚地展示出他的天才。Perot was a wonderful businessman and a genius in his own way.佩罗是位杰出的商人,并且是个自行其是的天才。He had a genius for getting into trouble. 他太会捅娄子了。Her poetry bears the stamp of genius.她的诗歌是天才之作。The age was productive of men of genius.那个时代出天才。Embedding journalists was a stroke of genius by the military propagandists.让记者随军采访是军事宣传鼓动家的天才之举。Books are the legacies that a great genius leaves to mankind.书是伟大的天才留给人类的精神财富。Einstein was a great scientific genius.爱因斯坦是一个伟大的科学天才。You only have to look at Turner's later oil paintings to see what a genius he was.你只要看一眼透纳后期的油画,就能看出他多么有天分。She was going on about what a genius her brother is.她不停地说她哥哥是怎样了不起的天才。I think he's a true genius.我认为他是个真正的天才。You don't have to be a genius to see that this plan will never work.普通人都看得出这个计划绝对行不通。She is an unconventional genius.她是个标新立异的天才。Linus Pauling is an unconventional genius.莱纳斯·鲍林是个标新立异的天才人物。Lawrence's novel was rejected at first, but it later came to be recognized as a work of genius.起初劳伦斯的小说不受欢迎,但后来逐渐被公认为天才之作。Coogan is a comic genius and Sellers lookalike.库根是个喜剧天才,长相酷似塞勒斯。As a painter, he was more than just a technician; he was a creative genius.作为画家,他不仅仅是个能工巧匠,更是个有创造力的天才。In a flash of pure genius, she realized the answer to the problem.灵感一闪间,她知道了问题的答案。His fellow officers regarded him with awe as some sort of genius.同事们很敬畏他,视他如天才。Often a genius is recognized only after he is dead and gone.天才常常在死后才得到认可。The boy might turn out to be a genius. You never can tell.这男孩说不定最后还是个天才呢,谁知道呢。There's sometimes only a very fine line between genius and madness.天才和疯子有时往往只有一线之隔。She was an unappreciated genius.她是个没有得到赏识的天才。Lawrence's novel was eventually recognized as a work of genius.劳伦斯的小说终于被认为是天才之作。Einstein was probably the greatest mathematical genius of all time.爱因斯坦可能是有史以来最伟大的数学天才。His genius flowered at the university.他的天分在大学里得到充分发挥。The genius of these new computers is their portability.这些新电脑最大的优点在于它们的便携性。




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