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He was a lean, patrician gent in his early sixties.他是一个六十岁出头、有着贵族气质的清瘦绅士。If I biographize it should be on a literary gent.假使我写传记的话那一定是写文坛人物。He's a real gent.他是一位真正的绅士。Our host in London was a delightful old gent.我们在伦敦的房东是一位快乐的老绅士。This gent took on not to know me.这位老爷假装不认识我。Mr Blake was a gent. He knew how to behave.布莱克先生是位绅士,举止得体。I've always prided myself on being a perfect gent.我是个地道的绅士,并一向为此感到自豪。 |