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The author has overdrawn the villain to the point of absurdity.作者把那个反面人物夸张到了荒谬的地步。He played the heavy in film after film.他在一部又一部的影片里扮演反面人物。He doesn't fit the standard stereotype of a movie villain.他与电影中常见的反面人物不符。The thriller is a genre which depends on goodies and baddies.惊悚小说是一种需要有正面和反面人物的文学体裁。The author kills the villain in the last chapter.作者在最后一章中让反面人物死去。The Queen in 'Snow White' is one of film's greatest villains.《白雪公主》中的王后是电影中最邪恶的反面人物之一。There was a fine line between the good guys and the bad guys.正面人物与反面人物之间界限分明。 |