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例句 The story was handed on from father to son.那故事从父亲传到儿子。These new ideas have not yet filtered down to sales staff.这些新想法还没有传到销售人员那里。Music pulsated from the bar into the street.音乐有节奏地从酒吧里传到街上。The vegetarian burger was an innovation which was rapidly exported to Britain.素食汉堡是一种新食品,很快就传到了英国。Potentially dangerous bacteria are regularly sent from one laboratory to another.有潜在危险的细菌经常被从一个实验室传到另一个实验室。Many of their traditions will not be passed on to succeeding generations.他们的很多传统不会传到后代。Buddhism spread to China from India.佛教从印度传到中国。Flowers are designed to attract insects which then carry the pollen from plant to plant.花的作用在于吸引昆虫,然后昆虫再将花粉传到其他植株上。As soon as the news reached them, a second airplane was despatched.消息一传到他们那里,第二架飞机就派出去了。He's worried that he's only going to get a sanitized version of what actually happened.他担心事情传到自己耳朵时,已经是净化过的版本。The plant was brought to our shores from Europe.这种植物从欧洲传到我们这个沿海国家。The film has rocketed overseas.这部电影已以最快的速度传到国外。Cooking odors can circulate throughout the entire house.做饭的香味可以传到家里的各个角落。News of his work traveled all the way to Asia.有关他研究成果的消息一路传到了亚洲。It is one of the very few Michelangelos that have found their way out of Italy.这是少数几件流传到意大利境外的米开朗琪罗作品之一。The news soon spread to the farthest corner.那消息很快传到了最边远的地方。News travels slow to a backward region.消息传到落后地区很慢。The system allows you to transfer data easily from one computer to another.这个系统可以让你把数据轻松地从一台电脑传到另一台电脑上。By now Dr Barnard's fame had spread far beyond South Africa.现在巴纳德医生的名声已传到了南非以外的地区。The quarterback threw a deep pass into the end zone.四分卫投出一个长传到端区。An actor can throw his voice to the back of the largest theatre.演员能使嗓音传到最大剧院的后排座位。Stray pieces of information came my way.一些零星的消息传到我耳朵里。The cult of Isis was carried from Egypt into Greece and Rome.对伊希斯的膜拜从埃及传到了希腊和罗马。Sound filtered through from the practice rooms down the corridor.声音从练习室传到了走廊。The gentle breeze wafted the sound of music to our ears.音乐声随着轻风传到我们耳中。This is, of course, international news and soon it was being flashed around the world.当然,这是国际性新闻,很快就会传到世界各地。You can transfer digital images/pictures from your camera to your computer.你可以把相机上的数码图像/图片传到电脑上。The digital signal travels down wires to the server.数字信号沿着线路传到服务器。Even in this stillness Leaphorn doubted if the sound would carry far.即使在这样安静的环境里,利普霍恩还是怀疑声音是否能传到远方。He passed the ball downcourt.他把球传到前场篮下。The news penetrated to all the distant country places.消息传到了遥远的乡村。Upload your photographs to one of these sites.将你的照片上传到其中一家网站。The antiques have been handed down to them from one generation to another.这些古董世代相传传到了他们手里。News reached the capital that two garrisons in the south had revolted against the government.消息传到首都,说南方有两支卫戍部队发生反政府叛乱。The brooch is a family heirloom which came down to her from her grandmother.这枚胸针是她家的传家宝,是从她祖母那一代传到她手中的。She has travelled to the most far-flung corners of the world.消息传到我们幅员辽阔的帝国的每个角落。Our ears were saluted by hostile shouts.怀有敌意的喊叫声传到我们耳中。There is no percolation of political ideas from the membership to the leadership.政治观念不会从成员那里传到领导层。Rumours of her resignation reached his ears.她要辞职的谣言传到了他的耳朵里。She inherited the family jewels after the death of her grandmother.祖母去世后,家中的珠宝传到了她手里。




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