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例句 A roaring sound greeted his ears.一阵喧嚣声传入他耳中。The U. S. rap music is driving into other countries.美国的说唱乐正在迅猛地传入其他国家。The message travels along the nerve to the brain.信号沿神经传入大脑。English has been newly exported to that area.英语新近传入那个地区。Many of the rumours are reaching foreign ears.许多谣言正传入外国人耳中。The pleasant music struck our ears.悦耳的音乐传入我们耳中。Hostile shouts saluted their ears.怀有敌意的喊叫声传入他们耳中。It took months before the findings began to filter through to the politicians.调查结果好几个月后才传入政治家们的耳中。Rumours of an enemy invasion began to reach the capital.敌人入侵的传闻开始传入首都。Defender Wayne Thomas sent a ball into the area for Shtaniuk who flicked it on.后卫韦恩•托马斯将球传入禁区,什塔纽科随即轻触击球。A roar of laughter greeted our ears.一阵大笑声传入我们耳中。Foreign literature and painting were slowly filtering in.外国文学和绘画作品慢慢传入Coffee was introduced into England from the Continent.咖啡是从欧洲大陆传入英国的。Shouts of anger greeted our ears.愤怒的喊声传入我们耳中。The illness was first transported across the ocean by European explorers.这种疾病最早是由欧洲的探险家从海外传入的。




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