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例句 The sound of metal scraping on floor tiles came from the kitchen.厨房里传出金属摩擦地砖的刺耳声响。The quarterback looped a pass downfield.四分卫传出前场弧线球。A woman's screams issued from the lane.巷子里传出一个女人的尖叫声。 Venables flicked on Davis's header.维纳布尔斯将戴维斯的头球迅速传出When news of the scandal broke, her career came to a crashing halt.丑闻传出后,她的事业骤然止步。He was paged at the airport and told to return home immediately.机场扩音器传出了呼叫他的广播,叫他立刻回家。The spicy beat of that Latin dance step blares from every record shop.那拉丁舞步热烈轻快的节拍从每家唱片店传出There was the sound of giggling from the back row.后排传出咯咯的笑声。With an indirect free kick, you obviously have to pass before you can shoot.在罚间接任意球时,球必须先传出,才能射门。There were muted cheers from the public gallery.旁听席传出了轻微的欢呼声。Dance music pulsed from the speakers.扬声器中传出有节奏的舞曲。Music blares out from every cafe.每一个咖啡屋都传出喧闹的音乐声。A moan issued from the womb of the cave.从那洞穴深处传出一声呜咽。They could hear a loud babble of voices coming from the crowded bar.他们能听到拥挤的酒吧里传出嘈杂的人声。The sound of the explosion carried for miles.爆炸声传出数英里。Rock music blared through the store from the loudspeakers.喇叭里传出的摇滚乐响彻整个商店。We can't risk any damaging scandals just before a Presidential election.总统大选在即,我们不可以冒险让任何有破坏性的丑闻传出A tinny voice issued from a speaker.扬声器传出了尖细的声音。An efferent nerve carries signals away from the brain and spinal cord.传出神经将信号从大脑和脊髓中传出Rumours of ballot rigging discouraged many from voting.选票舞弊的传闻一传出,许多人便打消了去投票的念头。Strange noises proceeded from the house.那所房子里传出奇怪的声响。I then heard what sounded like a gunshot in the hall.当时,我听到门厅里像是传出一声枪响。They could hear angry shouts coming from the kitchen.他们可以听到厨房里传出的愤怒的叫喊。I heard a cry for help from inside the building.我听到楼里传出一声呼救。A shrill scream came from the house.房子里传出一声尖厉的叫喊。The trial was stopped before Christmas after allegations of attempts to nobble the jury.企图收买陪审团的指控传出后,审判在圣诞节前中止了。We heard disembodied voices coming over the speakers.我们听到扬声器里传出的声音,却不见其人。Reports were starting to filter out of Baghdad about the horrendous conditions in Iraq's jails.有关伊拉克监狱骇人状况的报道开始从巴格达传出Music boomed out from loudspeakers.喇叭中传出低沉的音乐声。The agony of a disappointed father rang in his voice.他的话音里一再传出一位灰了心的父亲的痛苦呻吟。Angry voices emanated from the room.房间里传出愤怒的声音。As we approached the hall we could hear the sound of laughter.我们快走到大厅时可以听到里面传出的笑声。Sobs were heard to proceed from her bed.从她床上传出呜咽声。As he neared the park he could hear the tinny music from Joey's radio.他走近公园的时候,听到了乔伊的收音机里传出沙沙的音乐声。There were noises coming from the basement.地下室有声音传出A strange noise issues from the next room.隔壁房间里传出奇怪的响声。From down the hall the theme music of the news channel blared from Nana's TV.在走廊的远处,从娜娜的电视机里传出新闻频道刺耳的主题音乐。From his study came the sound of Mahler, playing at full volume.从他的书房里传出马勒的乐曲,音量开到了最大。After the scandal, the CEO was pressed into resigning.丑闻传出后,首席执行官被迫辞职。Rumours of the likelihood of an upset filtered in from the polling stations.从投票站传出了可能出现冷门结果的传言。




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