例句 |
The social cachet of some form of qualification in India is powerful.在印度,具有某种资格享有巨大的社会威望。The King placed his cachet upon the project.国王正式批准了这个项目。Leeds and Birmingham don't have the cachet of London, Paris, and Rome.利兹和伯明翰不像伦敦、巴黎和罗马那样出名。A Mercedes carries a certain cachet.梅塞德斯车代表一种尊贵。The letter was sealed with the king's cachet.这封信由国王盖玺加封。It's a good college, but lacks the cachet of Harvard.这是一所很好的大学,但缺乏哈佛这样的声望。His research in Antarctica gave him a certain cachet among other scientists.他在南极的考察使他在其他科学家中间享有一定声望。 |